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I dont see what the big deal with the red jump slash...

Ten Tigers

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The move itself is not overpowered, but it IS bugged. The fact that it still does the same damage when its not moving as when it is still in the swing is that bug. You are still able to do full damage even during your downtime, this is the problem. This move was designed to be super powerful but to leave you at a great disadvantage for a longer time, which it is visibly not doing. I wouldnt mind if people would do it over and over and over again if I could safely aproach them when they werent moving and on their knee, and I think this is what people find so annoying about the move. Dont get me wrong, I would still hate it when people used it over and over and over again, but at least it would make my JO life bearable because I didnt have to deal with a bug in a move that continuously resulted in my death.


PS- alot of the regular moves in heavy stance do take longer to pull off than the DFA, this is correct. Use the short move, halfway through the swing start the DFA and youve got a move that can be pulled off quicker than the others, and youve removed the time it takes to get to your target.

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I agree with deetox, I have seen my DFA move blocked once. I *think* they were in blue stance (it's the most defensive) and crouching, but I can't be sure. I KNOW it was a block because I remember my surprise at the instance, when I was sure I had him right on the head (he was not moving at all), about to kill him, and my saber went 'pfzzt' on his. I have never seen it blocked other than that one time. I think it may be that I was pointning too far left and it just clashed off his saber but it's hard to be sure.

I use strong(red) stance a heck of a lot (it's my fave stance) and that move I find useful but not overpowering. I often find I have no use for it. In fact just the other day I was fighting a real DFA ***** in a duel (nf + nt). All he ever did was use DFA. In ten rounds of fighting he managed to get a single round on me because he caught me off guard with that move. I killed him twice with the DFA move and all other times with normal attacks from the red stance. I don't see what all the fuss is about, it's just a move, and if u don't like the way that it's nigh on impossible to block then just f*kin avoid it like the rest of us :)

There is one gripe I have about the move though, and that's what I call the 'death poke'. It comes about when the saber is just as damaging all the way through the move, not just when he is leaping and swinging down. If at the end of the attack when ur saber is deep into the ground ur opponent comes at you u can look far upwards and poke him in the feet which kills him instantly. This imo should be seen to and fixed because it is far too unrealistic.

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Originally posted by IronJedi Kaga

"Death From Above" as you guys call it is not unbalanced in any mode. Its incredibly easy to dodge. Getting killed by DFA only occurs when one is surprised by the move, or when one tries something risky and misses. Otherwise the move is so easy to dodge there is reason anyone should die from it. If you see someone in heavy stance just be prepared to dodge. All the saber stances (excluding the easte egg ones) are totally balanced and usefullness varies according to the situation.


I agree that , there is no unbalance within that move.

I get killed by dfa only occurs when i want to take a timing

attack after he did that move and opening for counter but

I just rush in too early.


Besides, the way to counter is that you just wait for the people

doing DFA and roll back (or aside), kick their ass when they can't


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Chanke4252 is utterly spot-on, the only problem in defending against this move is the attacker's ability to change yaw after the swing is complete, and still do damage when immobile. Having said that I don't find it difficult to avoid even so. The move itself is not as dangerous as an experienced opponent can make it.

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The move wasn't balanced around "NO FORCE" games.

That aside, I've never had a problem using or countering it. It's slow and hard to hit with, but I have killed two people at once with the move - only because three were chasing me after force draining me and walked right into it because of their overconfidence.


If I get killed by the move, generally it's my own fault for being impatient or foolish.


- Gaeb

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Originally posted by Ten Tigers

Getting more and more familliar with the game, I think this is one of the most overrated things one could complain about.


It is not all powerful.


Today I did the red power jump salsh into a crowd of 3 people saberfighting, didnt hit anyone, and by the time I whipped around to hopefuly catch someone off gaurd all three were out of range.


Hell, I have even landed on someone's head trying to do this move and it didnt do a stitch of damage. It didnt even knock him down.


Now the ability to spin around may not be the most realistic thing, but without it it would make the move virtualy useless. It is slow to excecute, easy to see coming, and easy to avoid. Even blocking it is too easy. As long as you are facing the opponent and not attacking or trying to use a force power you will block80% of the time.


I like the move and like any other technique, if you overuse it you will get your @$$ handed to you by even the average player.



Ummm, no one single saber move will do anything, its where you put them in a combo of moves that counts. Unless your going after someone with a shock rod maybe..............

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You can run under it if you are quick (I've seen a guy do it, his idle saber even hit the guy in the air). I've never seen it truly blocked, but often I've done it or seen others do it and just be off by a hair and not get the kill.


As far as I've seen, pushing someone while they are in the crouched DFA attack position doesn't do anything. Pulling them is, well, suicide.


A quick saber throw is the best counter I've seen for the move.


You can do the DFA from any standing attack, whether forwards backwards or strafing.

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the red special is most annoying in dm. i was playing a few days ago. 3 different servers. 3 rounds per server. saber + force only


and there was oddly enough at least one person on each server using only the red special. over and over and over again. and guess what. the player doing that won every round i played.


they just do that move into a crowd of people and rack up kill after kill. sometimes 2 or 3 kills at a time if the cluster of other people was big enough.


the problem really is only on "saber" only servers though as if you have guns you can stay back and fight.


however the people in these games that were winning were by huge margins. the score limit on one was 50 and this guy had 50 with the next person under him was 17.

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The fact that you can walk onto the saber when its on the ground after he finishes the jump and it still hurts you should be fixed. Yeah you might say don't step on it but it should be fixed so you can rush in and counter without having to the side of him. I also found that the hit detection on this move seems a bit off.

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???? 50 to 17?? I never seen such odds! I am very surprised, as the DFA is easy to dodge and the bug is the only thing needed to be fixed. I only use DFA when I know where the opponent is going and all the rest using heavy and medium, rarely light. DFA spammers are VERY predictible. Tell me those servers where you saw the scores.

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they were just random servers. i don't remember the names/ips. but the majority of the time you'd have a cluster of idiots swinging wildly at one another.


say 4 or 5 people and then mr lamer comes jumping in with the red special and there were quite a few times they would get multiple kills in one "attack" so their scores skyrocketed. every game wasn't 50 to 17


for the most part though the red special only guys were winning by at least 2 to 1 scores a lot (ie 50 to 25 / 50 to 30).


it's really only a problem imho on server only sabers. since usually when guns are allowed you don't have so much clustering of players.


and yes i know it's easy to dodge/etc the red special but it's just annoying to not even come close to "winning" in situations like this. (for all you but winning isn't everything/just have fun/etc. i know this too but it's still frustrating)


it's the worst on the maps that don't offer a lot of movement room. raven offices being the worst. but there are a lot of cramped maps/areas in jk2. where it's easy to get bunched up with other players.

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