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Corporate sponsor seeking Clan leader and Organizer


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Hello all,


I am looking for someone to run a clan for me. I will provide the server and a website for the clan. the clan will be playing for http://www.gaming4dollars.com this website in owned by Padgamer Inc who is the sponser. From time to time there may be items such as mice or video cards or processors that will be put up for play at the server matches. In addition to challenging other clans this clan will also be pitted against the presidents clan. (I am vice president of the corporation) We are a small company but we like to give back to the community we have spent playing hours with.


On to the duties. the clan leader will

Recruit new clan members (I'm automatically in the clan)

Organize matches

and have fun.


It will be one week before my connection is upgraded to t1 speed. I will make my decision and post it here one it has been made.


Just email me at leelink@padgamer.com and I will schedule a match with you and if you kick my but you win the chance to be clan leader. Warning. I play dirty and dont want to hear any whining. we will play my favorite map CTF_NS STREET. My name is Lee and my Player name is Leelink. If you wanna practice up you can find me just about everynight playing. just do a search on my name.


Also its best if your located close to florida as that is where our server will be located.

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