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**Discussion: Modding and adjusting saber combat in single player**


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I am currently trying to increase saber defense when i'm devmapping, and am a bit confused about the various commands that affect this and how they would work, e.g. setsaberdefense, saberAutoAim, saberMoveSpeed, saberAnimSpeed, saberAutoBlocking, saberlocking, g_saberLock, timescale, cg_debug saber, cg_saberContact, cg_swingAngles, etc....


I'm hoping this thread can stay near the top so that we can all sorta get a handle on what these com mands actually affect, their hi/low parameters, and so forth.


Does anyone have any tips to start?

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One I know of and it would be great for more realistic playing would be setting "g_saberrealisticcombat 3".


It more deadly and damaging from what I understood while playing SP.


But what are you trying to do? Override the default settings for MP?

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Saber swings...well i kinda think they are pretty good at their normal speed...except for the strong style which I think it's roting damned slow.


What needs to be changed it's the characters walk speed... that's the reason why Duels are a total mosh pit.. everyone's running around like speed-freaked ants.

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Well, if i'm not mistake, saberMoveSpeed shouold determing footspeed while dueling, and saberAnimSpeed would determine how quickly the sabers are swung.


Problem with increasing saberAnimSpeed is (i think) when you parry a blow and it knocks your saber to the side, it's almost a guaranteed hit for your opponent. This is because (again, i'm only speculating) saberAnimSpeed does not affact the speed of your recovery after a parry.


To be perfectly honest, i would love it if we could eliminate the parries and unblockables altogether...

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Aeon :


I can at least clarify setSaberDefense to you...


Like all "Force Powers", this one can be set from 1 to 3 (and even to 0 ((=none)), I assume).

The number represents the level of mastery you have over it.


Which means, setSaberDefense 3 gives you the highest possible defense value.


It could be that setSaberDefense 4 provides even greater defensive abilities, since there are at least two force abilities which can be set above 3.

setMindTrick 4 gives you enhanced control over your victims...

And setSaberOffense 5 grants two more fighting styles (other than 'fast', 'medium' and 'strong'), which do not differ visually but only in detail from the other 3.

Setting any of the other force powers above 3 does not appear to affect much. The powers will still be recognized as level 3 and function as such.


saberAutoBlocking 0 probably disables your defense towards swordblows...

Kyle usually automatically defends against blows while he is not attacking (Given that his saber is equipped).


g_saberlock enables (1) and disables (0) the potential locking of sabers between two fighters.


Most of the other commands are not of much help regarding playability.

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Thanks for the info... i still believe that there's gotta be a way to eliminate parries and unblockables, increase the chance of saberlock, and increase saberblocking and contacts, at least in SP devmaps.


BTW, is that menace mod SP or MP?

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