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Level ideas, MP...outdoor, canyon, swamp


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How about some cool outdoor maps, canyons (canyon oasis redo, duh), a swamp level....take advantage of some textures and such that Raven obviousely didnt do/think of?


Would JKO make for a good quasi-outdoor MP game/map?


I've seen one pic of an outdoor map, looks great.


Yes yes, tools arent released. But concept art/ideas can be drawn up.


Constructive ideas here....I aint buggin mappers and sayin "WTF, give me some quality stuff!"


:evanpiel: <------ WTF is this.......

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A swamp/canyon/outdoor-map would be cool, just as long it doesnt have too much open space and lags the system like the swamp map in SP.


Otherwise I would like to see some more temple-like maps.

That control-room/spaceship thing gets old rather quick I think.


I dont know much about the SW-universe, and Im not that interested either, but some Gothic enviroments would be cool with me. Surely there must be some Gothic planet somewhere in the galaxy ? :-)


Most of all I would like to see new textures.

Start ripping textures from other q3 games for variety.




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I agree with Morcavalin on this, outdoor maps are really nice, but they also tend to be really laggy most times. If a good outdoor can be made that runs smoothly I'm all for it, it adds to the game and changes up the feel of things quite a bit.


the temple maps for MP are pretty nice and have a good feel to them, the only thing I'm not crazy about is how they play for saber fights. Im a saberist only, I might someday move into all weapons for JKII, but I bought the game for the saber and that's my preference for now. I'd like to see more "duel" maps that weren't so cluttered and had room to fight. I guess I'm spoiled from HereticII where there were literally hundreds of maps made for blade only combat that had a nice atmosphere, but still had plenty of room for menouvers so you could actually plan out a fight without getting "stuck" on the scenery.


the purple one

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That would depend on how wide the platforms are. Wide platforms arounds a tree would be ok. Connecting paths between them would be narrow, but then all maps need something to cater for the Grippers. ;)


You can make it less easy for people to die if they get pushed or thrown by having the boughs of the tree underneath to land on.


Lots of posibilities for Semi-Concealed sniper spots, but which would have to be reach with a Force Jump so it is possible to Jump up and pull them down etc.


Multiple platforms around multiple trees to allow duels to continue from one platform to another i.e. Start Sabreing on the lowest platform, things get heated, Force Jump up to a higher one and continue.

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CTF - Recreate a 2fort map from TFC into JK.. I think that would be fun, maybe with NF and stuff it would be even better.


Oasis - IS A MUST.. at least they did include a Jedi Battleground recreation.


Sith Temple from MOTS I loved that map they need to remake it.


Bespin Vader Vs Luke Level.. They need to remake this with destroyable, OMG will SUCK YOU OUT window.


Episode 1 Hangar Bay recreation, same place where Maul/Qui Gon/Obi Wan fought..


THese levels are a must...

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An Endor map would be fantastic. To avoid the grip dilemma, you could make it so there are different levels of walkways and u could make a ground floor so u dont die if u get thrown off unless ur low on health. Just an idea.


I think the Rancor Pit might make a good duel map. and fightin in jar jar binks hometown underthe lake would be cool, forget the name of the place right now. gg memory

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I love the concept of the Endor map and would really like to see a multi level CTF map done based on that. One base would be the Imperial AT-AT base while the other would be the Ewok village.


Or you could set the whole thing on Kashyyk. With just Bowcasters for weapons.


How about a Hoth main hangar level or a Mos Eisley hangar level for dueling? You could even have a path to a market square outside on the Mos Eisley level for simultaneous duel action.


I think with all the variety given in planets in just the films alone, mappers shouldn't have too much trouble coming up with new and inventive locatins for us to frag/obliterate/politely saber each other in.

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