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accurate ping?

jedi jesus

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how accurate is the jk2 ping stats ? (pressing tab to view scores)


i can be lagging badly and my ping shows at 30


ive even seen pings below 10 for people who arent hosting


i also get this annoying message when i try to connect to some servers, saying that the server is for low pings only, yet jk always shows that my ping is below 60


anyone else having these problems?

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I've noticed the same thing. I think the lag can sometimes be caused by someone else in the game. It usually happens to me right before Iget a message that someone has lost their connection. As for the low pings only, I've gotten that message too but have no idea why. All I know is that with my cable modem, I usually get pings around 40-60 but sometimes get as high as 80 or even 100 or higher. I think that message comes up when (for whatever reason) pings go unusually high. I know almost nothing about how the internet works so maybe someone with more knowlege can give a better answer than I can.

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When a very slow modem player goes in a match in mp with like cable or DSL players the ping goes higher to syncronize the speed with the slowest player with the fast players. When I play my ping is around 300-400 average.:)

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