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Looking For ELITE Clan


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Right now I'm looking for a serious, elite clan. Right now I'm one of the elite players in JK II and would like to join a clan who has honor, respect and fair gameplay. Also I don't want to join a clan with 1,000,000,000 members because most of them are inactive and not even very good. It would be cool if the clan was based in North America, but I'm not very picky. I just want to join an ELITE clan in which the members play very well, have respect and honor. My e-mail is sdogg_@hotmail.com if you are interested in talking to me e-mail me there or please leave a reply and I will get back to ASAP. I will be checking the forum daily. Thanks.

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Not trying to start an argument here, but I probably will.


Could you offer me some credentials as pertaining to you being "one of the elite JK2 players"?


I mean really, its all fine and good to own public servers full of newbies that are too busy trying to figure out how to make their storm trooper model go "HEY YOU THERE!" and don't know how to grip or whatever. But that doesn't make you elite. That makes you skilled enough to rape pubbies.


All I'm wondering is what your basing your self bestowed title of "elite player" on. If you can provide me with some solid evidence that your a jedi knight god, I'll be happy to extend you an offer to Universal Alliance, a clan thats so elite I haven't even bothered recruiting half the people that have applied.


Seriously though. Got a demo? I love watching peoples demos.

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I have to agree with Joruus on this one and no...I'm not trying to start an argument either.


There are soooo many peeps out there who claim to be these all powerful elite players. If you are that good..then that's fantastic but there are an awful lot of players out there who would take offense to anyone who would self-proclaim themselves a Jedi God and/or Elite JK2 player. This is not JK1! Too many of us old school Jedi saw JK1 get over-run with little kids who did nothing but talk smack, cheat and hack and then call themselves elite. It may even happen to a certain extent with JK2 but many or most JK2 clans are going to take measures to keep irritating little $h_ts like that outta their clans.


Anyone who has good skills, great attitude and wants to a part of a team (there is no I in team) then come by our website and fill out an application to be a member of the IRON BRIGADE: IRON Jedi division. http://iron-brigade.homeip.net/main.asp


Sith Incarnite IRON


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Sorry, I guess I shouldn't have "self-proclaimed" myself but I don't just go into the all the n00b's servers and kick them. That's not fun, I like the dueling aspect and other fun stuff as a team. There I ususally do very well, and I DESPISE guns, so I'm sorry guys. Peace. I'll e-mail you about the clans.

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God why dont you spaz on him to, or perhaps you like the name OkieDokie more then Jman3ooo


Srry bout that just had to say that.


I once againwould like to point out that what you mistook for hubris was the same mere caution that he just took.


Once again srry for the above.


Hey Luxx could i get a try-out?

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