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Illegal Operation on Loading


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I am using a VooDoo 3 3000, I am aware that problems are noted with this card, but I am wondering if anyone can help.


I am using win98se, and have a Voodoo3. I've bought a JK2 and installed, but each time I try to run it - I get the Illegal Operation notice and it just doesnt load.


Anyone got any suggestions to fix this? I have updated my VooDoo drivers, and my Hardware acceleleration is up to max.


Be grateful for any help,



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When you say "manually run the auto run" do you mean browsing through the cd and finding the file? The menu that pops up offering you a choice between single and multi player isn't on the cd and you can get to it via the start menu. If that isn't the problem I'd also try launching the game with the exe inside the game folder. (Eg: c:\games\JKII\Gamedata\Jk2sp.exe for single player or jk2mp.exe for multi)

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