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Graple Hook!


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I've actually suggested a barrel mounted grapnel alt fire for the Bryar that uses 40 ammo to use with some positive responses.


This was, of course, a facet of a suggestion I had made to run a class system which restricts gun players from having force powers, and jedi's from using guns.


When you think about it, a grapnel in JK:O is no more ridiculous than a storm trooper with a PLX-1 missile launcher having force jump 3. In fact....its a little less ridiculous.

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What Ive been thinking of is instead of a class system a character system.

You play Luke, you get light stance, mind trick, level 3 jump, and absorb. Also you can use light weapons (pistol, blaster)

You play Lando you get no saber stances, no force, but acess to all weapons including some youd have to add.

You play Palpatine you get no saber but insane force powers.


I think you guys get the idea...

I kinda got this idea while thinking of this matrix mod for half life... it was pretty cool, you couldnt have more than one of one type of character and you could buy stuff.

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Characters are ok but they remove the possibility for customization.... what if I want to play with Luke but instead of having absorb I prefer something else?


I think Classes are much better.


Each class would have their own traits and you would use the normal point buy method.

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