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A robed model.


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Hi again... Since I got stuck with UV Mapping on the Fett model I decided to do something easier.


A robed body... something like Darth Maul's robes... I aint got no head yet cuz I plan to do both Maul and maybe some other/others that wear similar clothing. Just want some feedback on this one.


Pretty early stages still... but a fantastic polycount so far :)


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hey, if you don't want to do the uvs, you can send me the model, and ill make a wireframe skin pic for it, very easy, might take a while, but not difficult at all. And no im not trying to steal work or anything. Anyway if you want my help email me MessiahErebus@hotmail.com or MessiahErebus on aim and icq


if you do take me up on this, include info on how many files you want to make up the skin, and approximately what you want each to cover (i.e. head legs etc...)


gl with this and your fett model my fett is like 5500 polys, got a lot of trimming to do

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Thx for the compliments guyz


Right now the model has 19xx polys. as for the head I'll probably try a maul head, a normal head (eg: no horns and with a Kyle or obi wan ep2 hair, and Maybe I'll try a long haired version too... but I'll be giving more attention to the Fett model cuz It's not finished yet... I just started this one cuz I has bored and needed a lil fresh air.


I might take you up on that offer.... I'll say something later... be good.

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Because of the way Jedi Robes hang on the body, this robed model would not be appropriate for any that we have seen in the movies.


HOWEVER, Darth Maul would fit this model excellently, I would not be at all suprised if that was the intention. Basically this could become a 'stock' model for Sith skins. Anyhoos, it looks kickass!


Jedi robes, just so you know I am not talking out of my glutteous maximus, have tunics that are wide on the arms and cross in the middle, much like Karate tunics, and pants that fit tightly and mesh with the leg and the boot. Think of like how cowboys wear their jeans, only a lighter material so they don't bunch as much near the lip of the boot. The tabards are generally made of the same lightweight material as the tunic (which I read somewhere is a material that Lucas gets specially from India, although I find terrycloth and things like that to be very similar, the point is that the cloth is lightweight, breathable, and very very easy to maintain...just like the jedi would need), and hang down anywhere from an inch down from the bottom of the tunic to nearly a foot.


Not saying that the material is important, mind you. Not like we can simulate that (yet ;) ), but hey, any info is good info.


Some more background:


There is NO strict uniform for the Jedi, but Anakin's robes provide a source of discomfort in the council, as he goes against the unwritten rule of NO BLACK. His tabards are synthetic leather (which is not uncommon, Leather is more protective than the material generally concidered the norm) specially designed for it's defensive properties. It is the color of the tabards that is taboo.


Jedi usually also take on a color scheme in their padawanship that is similar to their master.


I know waaaay too much about Star Wars.


I need to get a hobby. Or a life. Or maybe a combination of the two. But one thing is certain, I should not be allowed to breed with a mind like this. I'd prolly name my kid Anakin or something. Prolly do that anyway actually. It's a pretty badass name.




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You are right JediMouse... I've noticed it earlier... I have a slight problem with feet lol... it really looks like girlish feet... but I'll be right on top of things and correct it.



Well... it's not exactly Maul.. but I made it to look a bit like him.


I still got a few things to correct.. i dont like the shape of the sleeves..particulary when the become tighter to the arm... and the way his colthes fall on the belt...to sharp and pointy... the pants I'd say are the best.


As soon as I work him out I'll post another pic.


Thx for the great compliments guyz... I'll make sure I'll send a few more models your way as I finish these.

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Your Compliments are overwhelming... but I have to say that sithlord is doing a much better looking Vader than i would ever make at this point.


Besides.. I cant even freakin skinmap...lol.. and Kat's Lady Maul model is pretty good as well.


But I thank all of you for your compliments and sugestions.


I'll try to keep'em coming. :)

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I'm still trying to figure out if you are a Scotty or an Aussie ... mate :p


Well I'm using 3d studio max r3


I would use GMax.. but I'm having trouble re-registering it after I reinstalled Windows. :(


What worries me is how in blazes am I gonna export it to GLM format.


porportions...skeleton..argh... I hope it wont be a pain in the butt.

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BloodRiot, I have a suggestion for the legs, where the top of the "shoes" meets the pants fabric it looks weird. They look like he is wearing some weird cowboy boots or something lol:p I think you should just keep the legs at a normal size and then have the pants like if they were tucked into some really high socks and then drape over the edges. I think it would look real cool and finish off the model. I can't wait to see this one in action!



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Sure I can do that.


I've just finished modeling the Fett, so I can spend more time on this one.


This one still has a lot of shape correcting... loose cloth has it's own share of dificulties... but I'll be right on it.


I'll post some pics as I go along... but preferably only when i do significant changes and not just push a vertex a bit and "HEY..LOOK HOW IT IS NOW!!" lol :)


I'll do my best here :)


Thx for the sugestion :)

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