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Nar Shaddaa Hideout, need help

Jedi lord

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If you came here please tell me it was to come and help me.


This is the garbage facility bit


I'm up to this place in Nar Shadda Hideout (NSH) and I got stuck. There is this place where I have to open this door. When I press space on it a camera comes out of the wall and asks for the password. Kyle automatically gives a password but it's wrong. The floor underneath Kyle then opens. I fall in and get electrocuted to death.


Please help me by telling me what to do i've been on it for 2 days now :(


Thanks a million

Jedi Lord

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you should of come here after 1 day, i think there was a thread about it yesterday, heh

as u might have guessed, although kyle says a password, u still have to get the correct one elsewhere first.

the way to elsewhere is opened by shooting a box through a window and then going on there. this window is located somewhere around those rooms with boxes.

sry, i dont know where it is exactly.

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