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Using Pull effectively


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use pull to pull the enemie's weapons away... they have to be close to you


if they have the saber equipped and are standing right in front of you then pull or push to make them fall on the ground (pull is better cuz push wont just push him down but also a bit away from you)


use pull to pull enemies closer to you after they did a red saber attack and then kick their faces


if you jump up and pull someone he'll fly upwards and towards you...


if you get pushed down into cratering area's (in the streets map for ex.)

then use pull to pull em down with you


crap english but you should be able to get the points

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If you happen to push or kick someone and they end up on the floor, quickly follow with a pull. This lands them at your feet, or better, pulls em into your lightsaber. This usually ends the fight and is faster than trying to run up and slash at them.


Have fun


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