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"Heavy leap" attack bug

Sir Losealot

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I apologize if this was already brought to the forumers’ attention. I've just noticed that there is a frustrating problem (bug?) with heavy stance and the infamous "1 hit, 1 kill" leap in multiplayer games.


The problem is that after opponent uses heavy leap, his saber (half merged into the ground) will kill you anyway, if you get close. That completely nullifies those valuable couple of second when you have a chance to counter attack with medium or light stance.


I play on server with 20-30ms latency, so the lag is not a reason. It's probably a bug in game.


I can reproduce it every time: opponent attacks with heavy leap, finishes it, his saber is in the ground, I counter attack and die because the game still counts his saber (in the ground) as if he was doing heavy leap and as if he hit me over the head. In the worst case he could wound my toe but definitely not kill me.


Frustrating. I hope it will be fixed in the patch.

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Personally, I love people who use it in duels.. But in 3 or more person brawls, it's really stupid..


They stand off to the side and jump into the crowd. Usually killing everyone.


BUT, during duels, it's so easy and fun! They think they are gonna beat you and all's you have to do is backstep or strafe and STAY AWAY from their range. if they heavy swing that opens up for 2 throw hits, if they swing + jump, that's atleast 3 hits.


Just stay away and throw everytime they swing, 90% of the heavy users I have seen still think they are using the Blue stance, cuz they are swinging like mad men!


After most duels, you will usually get called a chicken, or some other bad words, for constantly throwing.. If they happen to say that, just say HAHAHAHAHAHA... :)

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