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s-s-s-www-a-aammp i-iss gg-grr-eaatt !!


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yes , the swamp is a great looking level but...

... have you noticed the slow performance sometimes ?


i've been playing the game with 1.1 athlon with quincux aa and aniso @ 4tap @ 800x600x32 ,max detail w/ simple shadows and it's only in the swamp level it stutters.

so ... i've purchased an xp1800+ and ... i get the same !!

i haven't tried without aa or/and aniso but i was expecting a better performance even so !


if this is an indication of games to come (!this year!) i can see myself in game's settings menu :


detail - med

shadows - none

detailed textures - off

filtering - bilinear

antialiasing - off

screen resolution - 640x480x32

sound quality - low


i'm starting to be very affraid of game coders .


btw no problem with other games like mohaa ,cc:renegade comanche4 ,rtcw ,soul reaver2 @ 1024 w/ max detail ...and quincux & aniso .



...anyone ?




AMD Athlon XP 1800+ @ 1533mhz

ABIT K7TA V1.3 / GloblaWin CBK58 hsf

GlobalWin 802 case w/ Enermax 431W psu

Micron 512 Mb Pc133 cas 2

MaXtor 40Gb 7200rpm / ATA100 hd

Leadtek GeForce 3 Ti500 TD

Turtle Beach Santa Cruz soundcard

Sony 200Es 17" monitor

Hp 9100 cd-rw 8x4x32

Acer cd-rom 52x

Diamond SupraExpress 56e Pro modem

Yamaha MS30 speakers w/ subwoofer

Microsoft USB Intellimouse Optical

Microsoft SWinder Dual Strike gamepad

Microsoft SWinder gamepad

Saitek R100 steering wheel

HP 500c printer

WinXP Pro build 2600

Via 4.38(v)a

Nvidia 27.50 ( Leadtek )

Santa Cruz v 1.01.4138.99


"... caffeine is my co-pilot

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A lot of us with high end machines are getting slow performance in the swamp. I agree with you, lowering the settings sucks and is not what anyone wants to do.


Also, the swamp is slow that the force does not affect swamptroopers. Something has got to be preventing them from being pulled and pushed in the water.

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Originally posted by d@rker

i've been playing the game with 1.1 athlon with quincux aa and aniso @ 4tap @ 800x600x32 ,max detail w/ simple shadows and


There you go.


quincux aa and aniso @ 4tap will chew up any framerates.


I run most games - if possible, at 800x600x16 - medium/low geometry, medium textures.


1.5 gig athlon, GF3, 512mb RAM, SB Audigy, XP-Pro.


Try 16 bit color, it's huge performance boost and you may not notice the color difference at all.


Question - Do you really need AA? If so, that's going to hurt any game.

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I am still running just a geforce 256 and I had troubles too... but thats more understandable. Most of the game ran fine in high detail and textures at 1024. When I got to the swamp though I had to lower those and the resolution to get it to run well enough to play.


I had no problem with the force... I was chocking and pushing and pulling and casting lightning over the waters... (random thought be cool if there were pockets of green methane swamp gas that would explode if you cast lightning through them).

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None of you know the sheer challenge of getting through the swamp on a system thats nearly at the minimum specs.



AMD K6-2 450MHZ


Voodoo3 2000 PCI





you get the picture.



that was by far one of the hardest parts of the game for me.



It was all worth it in the end though. :lsduel::thumbsup:

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