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FFA over run by sabrejockies

Pol Favre

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im a sabrejockey. i love it, that's most all i do is duel servers.


but, sometimes i want a nice relaxing frag-fest. but when i go to FFA servers, i end up using my sabre anyway, cos most everyone else is and the only way to defend against sabre is with sabre.



does anyone else feel like this or is it just me?


im thinking about starting an ffa server today and just kicking people if they go sabre the whole time.

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Use the area damage guns like that projectile gun that shoots blue energy in second mode.





btw. Blaster and the first gun Kyle uses are easy to evade just run from left to right and back in alternating speed.

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On pure FFA, if I dont have a good gun and I get a window of opportunity I will PULL a gun out of a gunners hand. Only time this backfires is if they have 2-3 good guns, then you gotta pull then a few times and hack them up...


Area effect guns own Jedi unless the Jedi runs, jumps and uses protection. Too many people just jump in with DF powers and forget that Prot counters all guns

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You could "own any saberist"? Ah, ok... but what happens when you have nothing but a blaster because your gun got yanked? Or when you get a suicide from blasting yourself with flechette grenades? Sure, you can own n00b saberists, but I doubt that many "consciously good saberists" will agree with you. I happen to be one, and the only time I get "owned" by a gunner is when I don't see them or am already low on health.


And BTW, I use every method at my disposal to kill, so I don't consider myself a pure saberist. The only way to win at this game is to use all methods, not just one.

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riiight....actually you dont live long enough to realise where i am, and it is much harder to steal my weapon in application


btw, i think you are misunderstanding my meaning of the types of saberists i was referring to...but, i have never lost to a saberist when i was using guns....and i dont play newbies....they are annoying...


it is also much harder to use hte force when you are being drained =)


just an observation....

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