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The Jedi of the Old Republic MOD (poll)

Rajess MoDuron

Is this MOD idea...  

194 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this MOD idea...

    • Too extensive to try at ANY point in time...
    • Revolutionary, but your prose sucks, I'd really like to see someone who can write tell us what you mean...
    • Idiotic...what are you THINKING?
    • Exactly what we always wanted...thank you you beautiful sonofagun!

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I'm not so sure it's worth possibly upsetting people over the addition of new types of sabre when the there is so much scope with adding new ways of using a *standard* single blade lightsabre. I not saying it's a bad idea but the double bladed style is already there (ala ep1) and two bladed is just a new way of using standard sabres.


Here's a few of my ideas for styles. (Note: all of the existing styles should be removed.)


Note: where I have mentioned 'positions' and 'stances', this assumes that each player can only choose one style and should be change between with the 'lightsabre stance key'.


Note: I must stress that I DO NOT practice any of the real world version of these styles. So, if get thing wrong please correct me


Style 1



This kinda incorporates the current styles. Kendo is the what lightsabre styles from eps 1,4,5 and 6 are based on (mixed with elements of tennis apparently!) It's based around several én-garde positions.


Hase-no-kamé. Think Qui Gon Jin and stong stance idle position.


Fast and strong, the sabre is held at the shoulder pointing at the sky, giving the ability to block with speed or strike with power.




Slow to react from (NOT slow to move), the sabre is held above the head with the hilt pointing at the opponents forehead. The position sacrifices defense for giving a crushing men (headstrike). Not to mush use for sabre combat except to batter someone defence.


(ok, can't remember the rest of the oriental names)


*Hidden guard*


Mostly a transitionary position, the sabre is held low with the tip pointing at a spot on the floor about 4-5 feet behind the swordsman, allowing a fast diagonal upward sweep but sacrificing the defence.


*Low guard*


Sabre is held in front at waist height with tip pointing at the opponents knees. Used for goading you opponent into a rash attack.


*Middle guard* (Think Obi Wan Kenobi in ANH)


The stongests all round position the sabre is held at waist height with the tip pointing at the opponents chest. This affords a strong defence as the opponent must walk into you sabre in order to get close enough to attack and is very fast to move from. Kendo masters will most often adopt this position and will 'play for position' by attempting to swipe there opponents blade aside and then attack. This is a postion for the patient swordsman as the fight will become very drawn out and often won by whoever keeps his cool for longer. The disadvantage is that is your attention is on one opponent and so in a multiple combatant situation this will leave you vulnerable to others.


Style 2



This is one handed in style and won't provide much protection against a heavy blow. But you should be able to stab them and dodge before they land the strike.


One main én-garde postion which consists of holding the sabre at just above waist height with the tip pointing at the opponents chest. The body is slightly side on and the left hand held behind you.


This is an enormosly fast style but not very stong. Two fencers will dance back and forth jostling for postion and then one will kill the other with a clean stab to the chest or sometimes the head.


Occasionally the swords man will adopt a more head on stance and drive his opponent back with figure of 8 sweeping motions. Usually to gain a better position.


Style 3

Double Bladed Lightsabre


There are two way of fighting with a double bladed lightsabre.


Single Blade.


This is essentially a like kendo involving a lot of diagonal sweeps as the long hilt interfears with vertical stokes, it should be possible to perform a men .


Double Bladed


Err....watch ep1, Maul does most of the moves (they really packed them in :D ). Very good against multiple opponents.


Anyway just a few thoughts, anyone think of of other styles that could be adapted for the MOD?


Shred Lord



Strke me down and I

will become more dead

than you can possibly imagine



Edited for grammer and spelling

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I've has a burst of inspiration. Make Lightsabre throwing more costly to perform, not in force power use ratio, but in ramifications. If you are prepared to throw your lightsabre then be prepared to lose it and rely on the force until you recover it. I don't mean simply pressing the primaryattack button until it returns but i mean actively finding it then being able to recall it with force pull if you target it. This will ensure that MP matches don't become lightsabre throwing arenas which bores everyone to tears very quickly.


While my muse is still around maybe you could instigate a force clash thing when two or more (depending on number of combatants) similiar powers are used results in a force contest, the winner being the person with more force power left, or higher ranked in force ability, this could apply to force push/pull, lightning, grip etc.. you get my drift. The old republic Jedi should also have the ability to attempt and disarm opponents through the force, ie yanking away lightsabres from hands or shutting them down momentarily, of course this power would require special circumstances, maybe when the characters health is low, htey get a tremendous force boost (a last stand sort of thing) where they can initiate one power (within reason) that could alter the course of battle.


Ah again i prattle, hope you like the ideas.

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Not to be a pessimist but Raven stated that it would not be possible to edit the animations without using softimage, which is extremely expensive. Apply a skeleton which performs the existing animations to a model will be perfectly possible but otherwise...eeee. This was also the case with Heretic II and even our resident math/programming geek was unable to modify them, though he was able to create a nice model conversion tool.


Either way it all sounds good so go for broke. Who knows, maybe someone will be able to hack into the animations and mix them up, who knows?

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i really like the ideas posted in this thread. i think one of the really cool implications of having saber dueling drain mana (or blocking draining mana) is that there would actually be a game mechanism in place that would make it more likely and beneficial for both duel-ers to back off in the middle of a fight and just circle each other, so that their mana could recharge. that would be cool. i like the idea of the saber stances and all that stuff.



IF the SP SDK is not released, you need to do two things. first, you would need softimage, as someone already said. second, if you have a good team and start building material/resources, then email raven and see if they will help you. they said they will work with mods if they have a good team and a good amount of work done. these would be *necessary* if a SP SDK will not be released.



lastly, i personally don't like the idea of 'buying' saber styles/stances/etc. with points in-game, a la CS. i *strongly* do not like this system. i just think they should be selectable like any other options in the player config. i've always had a problem with that CS set-up. it means that the better players get access to better weapons and better defenses, which makes it more likely that they will continue to 'win'. the people who aren't as good, though, never get access to the better weapons or defenses which makes it more likely that they will continue to lose. so, the better players get the best weapons and defenses (and thereby best chance to survive) and players who are starting out or not as good with the worst weapons and defenses and have the worst chance to survive. that makes NO sense to me. if someone is not as good, there would be little motivation to stay in a game where you are continually beaten and you aren't allowed to use the better weapons/defenses to increase your chances. i think it would a shame for this mod to lose players because they get frustrated and never get use the more advanced styles. hell, if you wanted to make it really interesting you could make it so that the better a player is the *fewer* saber style options she/he has. that way, the people who are not as good and may need better offense/defense get them so they have a chance, and those who are really good have few options. because then it would be really impressive if someone was still getting the most kills while using the most rudimentary/'worst' saber style. anyway, just my thoughts.


if this mod uses that buying-point system, i will probably not play it, in all honesty. i'd like to use the moves, etc., but i just have no interest in playing games with that point-buying system (or, i might just take it and edit it myself and remove the point-buying system all-together just for personal use). let me state (before people start flaming me), that i played CS for a long time and was pretty damn good (and i'm not bad at JK2, either). i just got sick of that system. i thought it was wrong that i would have access to all the good offense/defense, when those who really needed it couldn't get it.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by AB_Legion

Since you are waiting for a response from him it is my duty to notify you all that... Seth (also Rajess if you got lost) has been quite busy with his work lately so it might be a couple days before he get back into action.


oh btw, hi :wavey:


G'day mate, umm yeah thought as much, but i keep bumping it to generate new ideas and interest. thanks for the response.

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hey seth if you want to get a good idea on saber styles then go rent this game for the playstation or dreamcast console


" Jedi Power Battles" it's a really good game that has mace, obi, qui gon, adi gaila, and some other guy.


as the progress through the EP 1 level settings they gain new combos and force powers (MACE IS THE COOLEST!!! he has the most "skill")


Darth Maul is in there too and he's also a playable character with his own combos.(got to do a cheat to get him tho).


oh and i think their blocks are not auto but manual

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Alright ladies and gentlemen. I’ve been meditating for some time now, and can now tell you guys some more about where I see this jank going.




Still seven of them, baby. One of course would be double bladed (at least one, there may be allowances in the other forms for sithsaber though)


At least three will allow for use of akimbos.


Akimbos however, cannot be chosen like the sithsaber would be, you would have to pick up another saber and use that.


Gameplay will be slowed down by 25%.


That whole Force=Stamina stuff.


A type of “opponent lock” system would be incorporated.




The basic idea, as always, is to make the game more tactical and less attractive to those people who harp on every single bug in the system like the backstab or DFA in order to win games. Of course those people will still play it, but we want to make them work as hard as possible to attain those victories J.


Something else I’ve been jumbling around in my head is this.


Blue, Green, Red, and Purple. And variations of these colors. Only saber colors. Good? Bad? Anal retentive? REPLY!

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Okay.. I've had alot of ideas running today, so here's a collection of what I've been thinking for the future of this mod.


These ideas are in no way concrete or will hinder the production of this mod, they are only ideas which I need to store somewhere for others to read and for myself to look back on.


Now for the following :)

(partly from a conversation with that I had with Seth/Rajess)



I was reading a thread about Force connected to lightsabers, and one point did catch my eye: It was based on how a jedi would use the force to "locate" a weak spot or an opening in his opponent and that would direct his attack into a specific area..


- So.. maybe a "locating" system could be engaged. This would enable a small 'target box' pointing out areas in your opponent where to next attack, for the defender it is his job to have quick enough reflexes to notice that he is about to be attacked on any spot that he isn't carefully protecting.


(Now... if this were to be applied, I'd say that the speed of the game would have to be at least slowed down by 25%-50%. Also note that when engaged in a duel, your saber and character never leaves his aim from the opponent, unless he has been pushed, kicked or hit.)


- This "targetting system" idea really tickled my fancy (oi that sounds strange :p) and it really would add to the gameplay. I'm not sure if it could be used properly though... It would prove the person with quickest reflexes wins, one factor must be adressed is to wether have this manuever system as a seperate gameplay, or add it to the "realism" of sabering, or have it as a toggled/selected force option.


- A white box would appear when your opponent has warily given you a spot to attack him and then turns red when locked giving you a clear shot unless he reacts quick enough and swiftly blocks the attack before recieving the blow.


- The white box would be more of a "searching type" it'd circulate around the opponent looking for weak points and when it finds the proper area it locks on and turns red, for the defender when your target locks that part of his body which is about to be hit would have a luminescent area glow about warning him of his immenent doom unless his reflexes are quick enough.


(Quick note to self: The targetting system would be more accurate pending to your level of understanding in the force.)


- I was reminiscing the part when Yoda and Dooku are about to fight, and up to the point where Dooku admits that "Obviously we are both very -knowledgable- in the force so let our sabers decide.." something along those lines, if you are planning to have this mod as more of a RPG then your skills would be directed to the ammount of force you are capable of performing.


- If this shall not be an 'RPG type' then I suggest to not introduce "light force" and 'dark force' nor a force pool iether (a different type of counter would replace the Force mana thing). Pending on the ammount of force you have learned you can also act upon those force powers. Dark or light doesn't matter, you can use the force for good or evil only THAT would be the deciding factor in which you are iether labeled as a dark lord or a true jedi.


- Seriously though, I have a hard time seeing you choose "dark force powers" or "light forces" it's annoying to me since the force is truly ONE. You can use force pull for good things or bad, as well as any force - to expand on that thought, in a sense there are no especial "force powers" it is just 'THE FORCE'. Jedi and Dark Jedi alike bend or manipulate the force that surrounds them for good or evil purposes. (at their own will)


- To continue on the issue of having no certain "force power" availiable MIGHT actually be do-able. Yet you must choose your path to the dark side or the light side, this way people are restricted from going frantic, as a lightside user pending on the ammount of good|vs|evil you do you attain a "force level" bar, which counts the good you have done against the evil.


- This lets the player know wether he is crossing the borderline of iether force 'side'. So.. A Force Level bar on the left hand side going horizontally, counting in which direction the player is leaning towards (dark or light). A roundtype force pool on the right hand side counts how much knowledge you have accumiliated in the ways of the force. As well as one more bar counting your strength in the areas of Sabering, Agility (etc..) and a seperate area in which certain force powers that you have learned would be listed and show how you are increasing in each force power to different degrees.


Well that's pretty much on my mind, for anyone who is interested you can visit the NRG - New Revolutionary Gaming site at http://www.jmoj.net/nrg - Note that it is only temporary until Aristotle gives us the Ftp info.


[Edit: We are looking for some serious modellers and texture artists btw]


Cheers ;)

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