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The Jedi of the Old Republic MOD (poll)

Rajess MoDuron

Is this MOD idea...  

194 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this MOD idea...

    • Too extensive to try at ANY point in time...
    • Revolutionary, but your prose sucks, I'd really like to see someone who can write tell us what you mean...
    • Idiotic...what are you THINKING?
    • Exactly what we always wanted...thank you you beautiful sonofagun!

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Answer: The effort taken to use the force against another force user isn't worth it if both combatants are of comperable abilities, in fact, when you have no massive advantage in ability, it costs you more than it earns. Use of the force is simply a way to express the power you COULD hold over the other person if you so chose........


Rajess MoDuron



Not exactly true


...its is so fast and intence that unless you altered your perception of time it would be impossible to keep up. this is described in Tales of the Jedi and Dark Empire as "battle meditation" in which the jedi basicly hightens their perception and percieves reality as "slowed down" while their own reactions increase.



Not exactly accurate.


Jedi Battle Meditation was the ability to project "the wanted outcome" of a battle on others. For the Light side, it was more of a morale boost. For the Sith, it was to cloud and confuse the enemy. The most famous of the Jedi who could exercise JBM were Master Arca and Nomi Sunrider. JBM was powerful enough to turn the tides of battles.


As I tread on EU(Expanded Universe), we are reminded this information really isnt "official" by George Lucas. Nonetheless, this information is quite logical and accurate.


When you say Knights of the Old Republic, Rajess MoDuron , are you refering to the time of yoda, or beyond that to the time of around the Sith war with Exar Kun? The force abilities between those two eras are quite extensive.


Meaning, Jedis' of Yoda's time < Exar's time. Nomi and some other Jedi masters knew of a technique which could seal away the opponent in a "wall of light", rendering the opponent blind to the force. The effect could be permanent or temporary depending on the choice of the user. This is contrary to the belief of "expressing forceble power".


The reason due to the gap in "power" is seen in the sith war. Although a book was recoverd by Luke in JBM in Dark Empire.

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This sounds like a pretty good idea, but I hope you dont simply nerf most of the force powers. Make them easier to counter, yes, but dont simply use the force bar as a sort of armor. How about, remove the focus entirely from wearing down an oponents health or armor, and instead make the focus on not getting hit at all. Make it easier to control the saber, and have people actively block attacks. Read my post in the game feedback forum, I posted a lot on this subject. I wrote up an idea for a different lightsaber control system in which you would not have to choose between moving the direction you want and making the swing you want.

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One thing I thought about, and this is a pretty complex idea I think, might be wrong though, is having keys on the keypad bound to specific areas of an opponent's body. For instance, if you wanted to make a strike towards their upper left, you would press keypad 7 in preparation.


Your opponent would get some kind of indication that you were planning to do this (ala star wars trilogy arcade's duels with vader and boba). This could be pretty cool, and was another idea I was tossing about.


In response to Vesantec, by Knights of the Old Republic I am referring to Yoda's time, the prime of the Jedi right before the Empire.


Secondly, why:?


Answer: The effort taken to use the force against another force user isn't worth it if both combatants are of comperable abilities, in fact, when you have no massive advantage in ability, it costs you more than it earns. Use of the force is simply a way to express the power you COULD hold over the other person if you so chose........


Rajess MoDuron






Not exactly true




I'd just like to hear more about why you don't agree with that.


Thanks for the input folkies, really loving it!

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I think the first thing we are going to try and do is change all the stances, make the saber swing at the same speed all the time, and merely increase or decrease the likelyhood of defensive blocking. The saber will do the same amount of damage in each stance, at least at first. Depending on playtesting this may change if determined to be, for lack of a better word, retarded.


BLUE: Not very good on the offense, but an excellent defensive form, has the highest percentage of defensive blocking, probably being somewhere aroun 75%. Red (unlike before, where it would get murdered) is the only form that consistantly break through this forms defenses in short order. For people who prefer to sit back and wait for their opponent to over-extend themselves to strike. If on the offensive, parries by your opponent are far more likely, so you want to be careful not to overextend YOURSELF.


YELLOW: Nice middle of the road. Blocking at around 45% while both on the offensive and the defensive. Don't really have much more to say about this one.


RED: Used by those who have...agression problems. Blocking on the defensive at around 15%, whereas while on the offensive it is set at 85%, with little to no likelyhood of a parry by your opponent.




Lemme know what you think!

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I posted a rather long thread on the game feedback board about this saber combat. I don't think the saber stances should be simply trade-offs between attack, defense, and speed. I think the stances should be based on how far from your body you hold the saber. Outer, middle, and inner stances, with each having different attacks and strenghts and weaknesses that would realisticly affect each stance. I one of the star wars novels, Luke Skywalker explains lightsaber combat to students at the jedi academy, and he talks about the 3 stances. I think perhaps outer stance would hold the saber aimed roughly at an oponents chest, like the standard Kendo stance, Middle would be the clasic stance, with the lightsaber aimed up a bit more, and Inner would hold it close to your chest pointing almost straight up, similar to the strong stance. Middle would have the fastest attacks, and would be able to counter several attacks in quick succesion. Outer would be a bit slower to reverse the direction of a swing, would have fast, fairly strong attacks, but an enemy who got in close to you could get past your defense. Inner would have short range, and be good at blocking attacks, but if an attack managed to penetrate your defense, it would definately hit because your sword is only blocking an enemy sword a foot from your body. This stance would also give you a disadvantage in saber locks.


For double bladed sabers, you couldhave stances be based on how he holds the sword. Horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. Vertical would basicly block your body off with the blade, making it great for defending against blaster shots from straight ahead, and against horizontal cuts. You could execute great thrusting moves with this mode, however spins would be impossible. Horizontal would be best for defending against attacks of any kind coming from your sides, and could execute great slashing attacks. Diagonal would be the best all around for saber defense. Im not as sure about the double saber stances.


As for twin sabers, I have 2 stances I can think of. One is facing straight towards your enemy, with your chest pointed at him, so neither sword is in front. In this mode both swords could fully engage the enemy, making it ideal for fighting off more than 1 oponent. It would also be better for executing rolls and jumps. In the other mode, one saber is leading and the other a bit behind. This mods would be better for spins and backswings, the back saber could make short thrusts, and could act as a weaker second line of defense against attacks that penetrate the leadings saber.

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lol just got this cool idea. Though it is for Ep2 it would be cool!

But you arent making ep2 or what?





Make it so that you can ride the big bull/rhino thing that Anakin jumps up on.

The goal is to run over as many droids as possible!



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I am not sure if this has been posted but fencing COULD NOT be a stance. As a fencer I can tell you that fencing is a mash of Parry Riposte until someone gets hit. Ofcourse there are different blocks and attacks but having 60 parries and 3 ripostes just wouldnt make a good stance and it would be to long of a fight if done fencer to fencer. Personally I just wanna see double sword and Wookie stance. Beat people with your wookie. Looser would be first to break their wookie


"I broke my Wookie!"

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Lol, wookie does sound kinda like a guys pet name for his tool. Anyway, I don't think the fencing has been mentioned, but it pretty much goes without saying that a person who tried to fence with a lightsaber would get cloven in half. Using just one hand against an oponent using 2 hands, the oponents attacks would not have much trouble just smashing through your defense. Now, a lightsaber in one hand and a blaser or thhermal detonator in the other would be cool, but that would be more useful in single player than multiplayer, so its a bit out of place here.

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I like all this stuff pretty much, but I have some suggestions too.

First, I am completely annoyed with the control system which now present in the game. Clicking a mouse buttons + move keys simultaneously really suck because you start to move in the direction you pressed. What I would really like to see in such a game is a control system similar to Die By The Sword (DbtS). You press a mouse button and then “draw some figures with a mouse”. Horizontal line means a horizontal slash, circle - 360 degree – slash and a vertical movement could be a piercing attack or a “death from above”. There is a substantial difference between DbtS and what I am talking about though. In DbtS there was no fixed attacks AT ALL, so your sword completely repeated all moves you made with a mouse and it was too difficult to fight in such way. In our case, I simply suggest to substitute pressing movement keys with a mouse moves.

Second, auto-facing the enemy should be implemented.

Third… coming soon :)


Sorry for my English :(

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I have been saying the exact same thing. I made a long post in the game feedback board saying the exact same thing; that you should drag the mouse button to execute moves. Obi-Wan for the PC was going to have that kind of control scheme before it was cancelled. Read my post in the game feedback forum, entitled "How it should have been done." I also think the stances should be way different; it doesn't make sense to have a tradeoff between speed and attack power, since a lightsaber weighs less than 5 pounds, and the blade is just a force field, so the center of mass is right in the handle.

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There are two things that really degenerate saber combat into a bunch of players spamming one move. The first is the ability to knock someone down, and the second is the one hit kill move. Before the patch came out, there was no good reason not to use the red stance. Kick or push/pull someone and then swing, this is how the people who dominated the servers played. With the advent of 1.03, the prevailing technique became kick or push/pull then backstab.


I know you intend to make one hit kills, but you also seem intent on differentiating styles by penetration power and speed. I would advise you to be careful with this. The differences in styles should not be much more than cosmetic. When you start to create differences in power between styles, players will distill them and find the one move or technique that offers the greatest benefit, practice that technique, then use it in a game with virtually no effort. When you add in the ability to immobilize someone with a kick or force power, you end up with dull rounds of one-dimensional saber fighting.

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