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The Jedi of the Old Republic MOD (poll)

Rajess MoDuron

Is this MOD idea...  

194 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this MOD idea...

    • Too extensive to try at ANY point in time...
    • Revolutionary, but your prose sucks, I'd really like to see someone who can write tell us what you mean...
    • Idiotic...what are you THINKING?
    • Exactly what we always wanted...thank you you beautiful sonofagun!

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Thats exactly what Im talking about Flash. The stances should not be based on a simple tradeoff between power and speed. They need to be something more complex, with the techniques for each stances all being in different styles. And tradeoffs between power and speed just dont make sense with lightsabers; the things weigh 5 pounds, it's not like they are hard to heft or anything. That is why I like the idea of inner, outer, and middle stance, based on how far from your body you hold the saber. Each one has different pros and cons that aren't as simple as fast vs strong, and each one would naturally have different attacks. Once again, I implore you guys to read my thread in the game feedback forum, I would really like for some people to tell me what they think of my ideas.

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First, I made a little Edit of my post over this thread.


Now, let's talk about the other important modifications in the gameplay (and even more).


  2. Seven fighting styles ?
    I don't really fancy this. I mean, ok, the VD tried to sum up and differentiate all the styles shown up in AOTC, but as it was pointed out by some guys here and even described as crap by others who are not newbies in martial arts, I think the devs of this mod should think a bit more by themselves.
    The Visual Dictionnary don't even catagorize Maul's style.
    And as I said somewhere in the mod big thread :
    I almost disagree when they make a difference between Mace's and Obi-wan's, saying that Mace's is less flashy.
    In game, you won't need to switch between these so-called two different styles because in fact Mace's is only Obi-Wan's without too much moves but with more direct hit and kill ones.
    You don't need to switch to adopt such a behavior !
    So that's why I say it's up to you to define the real different styles.
    True, Mace is less flashy, but when it comes to the game, it doesn't deserve its own style. It would be purely artificial.
    Player can already be less flashy with the actual version of the MP game. They don't need some useless style stuff.
    The truth is that Mace is better than Obi-Wan when it comes to lightsabre. That's all. Less spins and twirls. That's all.
    That's why I think YOUR styles should almost correspond to the weapon you use (see below).
    Btw I totally agree that all the moves should be quick, except for the spins that logically would take a bit mroe time, just a bit, as you would have to make a 360° circle before you hit your oponent.
  3. Each weapon requires a style.
    It's gonna be quite easy. We'll have to sum up all possible kinds of lightweapons we have or could have in SW and how they look like.
    - Lightsabre. Classic, used by most of the Jedi.
    - Lightsabre akimbo. Example : Boc.
    - Curved lightsabre. Example : Darth Tyrannus.
    - Long hilted lightstaff. Example : Darth Maul. Special feature : Can be breaked into TWO lightsabres ; then reverting to lightsabre akimbo style). Note : I say two lightsabres because in TPM, if you look closely, you will notice that the severed other part of Maul's lightstaff is still active after being cut off.
    - Short hilted lightstaff. Mostly one handled grip. Example : Exar Kun.
    - Lightdagger akimbo. Blades held upside down. I don't remember seeing such weapons but many fans want it.
    Of course there may be more weapons for more styles, but this already enough.
    I think a player shouldn't be confined to only one style.
    Otherwise how could Anakin have used to lightsabres when he usually fights with only one ?
    I think you should have the possibility :
    1. To add points to any style you want.
    2. Be able to pick up lightsabres from dead players.
  4. Defense / Attack.
    This is a bit bigger. There are many solutions. Moduron's team seem to aim to a mod that keeps refereing a system based on blue/yellow/red behaviors.
    Yep, I think it's good. It makes three behaviors per style.
    And as we can zap from a favorite style to another, it brings a lot of possibilities.
  5. Attributes.
    Rajess, I need your opinion about that one. SOme of the following ideas were partially covered in this thread (<- this is an important thread that had a lot of interesting ideas).
    I truely believe it has to tend to a lesser part toards a RPG aspect. Not too much but enough to have more defined and specific attributes and then characters.
    I think it is a must to have such attributes as :
    Some of you attributes will have a maximum that will decrease if you move too much or get hurt. For example, if you get touched by a bolt, the maximum of stamina bar will decerase, as the time needed to recover your stamina. No more stamina equals to death.
    - Age : Affects your Force mastery but also your physical attributes as your physiognomy, velocity and more. The higher your age, the higher your Force mastery could be but the lower your physical aptitudes.
    - Stamina : Affects your capacity to jump, run and swing your weapon. It is the most important attribute, as when it hits null, you die. 0 stamina equals death. Stamina and maximum stamina will decrease if you move too much and/or get hurt. For example, if you get touched by a bolt, your stamina and its maximum will decrease, as will the time needed to recover it. No more stamina equals to death. Only the Force will give you the possibility to increase and then recover your initial maximum stamina.
    - Strenght : Defines how strong your attacks can be do go through your oponent blocks. Very usefull in lightsabre blocks, but you'll need to have the highest mastery in lightsabre fights if you don't want your character to always get caught by an overuse of unmasterized strenght. Like in judo.
    - Velocity : The time needed to attack, block and parry.
    - Speed : Defines how fast you can walk or run.
    - Armor : The heavier your armor, the better you're protected. But each armor has weak parts (eg. Vader's helmet and forearms were weakier than his epaulets). Btw, the more your armor will be heavy and protect you, the less your speed, velocity and jump capacity will be.
    Finally, a heavy armor like Vader's will forbid you from some lightsabre moves. Most of these forbidden moves are the ones coming from above yourself.
    - Force concentration : Highly affected by your stamina. It has a maximum. Unlike the stamina, the Force concentration maximum will never decrease.
    The higher your Force concentration, the more efficient your lightsabre moves.
    Keeping fighting, dodging, slashing, jumping and running will make your Force concentration decrease.
    You'll be able to recover concentration by calming down and stop fighting and also by using Force Power as Force Stamina (only for Jedi - will make you crouch à la Qui-Gon Jinn like when he was fighting Maul in TPM - note that this function already exist in the SP mode of JO and was used when recovering health with the lower levels of Force Health, which will no longer exist and will be converted into Force Stamina).
    - Dark side : Err, this is quite hard to explain, but the goal is to convert the TPM's Obi-Wan berserk rage against Maul into the dynamics of the game. More rage equals more strenght, but makes you more opened to counter attacks.
    If a Jedi dwelves too much into the dark side, he will lower his own defenses against his oponents Force attacks (meaning that not only Sith can take advantage of that). Same happens if a Sith goes too much berserk. He gets too much focused on rage and agression and can't foresse anything coming against him.
    And more... these attributes are only first thought ideas btw.


I'll post more info about Force powers later.

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hmm.. well I suppose this is kind of self-imposing :p but I've just started on an Egyptian map:




Whaddya think :D


ah yes... please add a post with your views on Force Powers next (I'm getting tired of all the saber ideas, same ol' same ol')


Cheers ;)


oh btw, Seth I came up with a few more new Ideas on Absorb... I'll fill you in later :)

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Okay, it’s that time again folks. Time for me to review, revise, and replan.


I never used to used to like outlines, but I’ll use one here because I think it is appropriate.



I. What is this Mod?

A. One day I sat playing J.O. on a server, this was around March or so, and I was doing pretty well, except for against this one person. You know the guy, the one who completely spams one move or another, be it DFA or the backstab. There’s always one. Anyway, I was going mostly halfsies with this guy, while completely owning everyone else on the server. It was beginning to irritate me, as I would whittle him down to some ridiculously small amount of health, at which point he would DFA me and it would all be over. He’d say “GG! 5 health”, so at least he was a good winner, unlike so many others of his kind, who would likely call me a newb or something ridiculous like that. At any rate, I was getting irritated. Then I saw and read some spoiler reports that told of 7 forms of lightsaber combat, and how there were differences in each one. Then I got fed up with the idea of strong attacks being slower than all the others, when in actuality if you want to be exact, they would have to be faster given the masslessness of the blade, and other things. I determined then and there to come up with a comprehensive plan to redo MP lightsaber combat completely, make it more like the movies, and less prone to one hit killing.

B. RPG or FPS? Well, somewhere down the line, I wanted to incorporate some things that would benefit people who played a lot, played well, and were respectful of other players. I determined that the best way to do this was to frustrate those who were spammers or whatever by not allowing them to progress in force powers and styles. But how to do this? Well, if all goes well, this mod will incorporate ideas from both FPS and RPG systems. I’ll go more in-depth on this later.

C. Something else that bothered me was the complete and total spamming of force powers like drain, grip, push and pull to attain quick punk victories. To this end, many of these powers will either be removed or ‘nerfed’. But will they really be nerfed I ask you? I don’t think so, I prefer to think of it as making them more realistic, as we are to believe the people we see in the movies are the most powerful force wielders of their time, if not ever, why would everyone be on a higher level of potential than them? If Darth Maul could only push Obi-Wan about 7 feet or so, and the only reason he fell down was because of the complete lack of ground beneath him, then why should someone on an internet server be able to push EVERYONE 10 feet one at a time and then have time to backstab or DFA them? Don’t make sense to me, and it don’t seem right.


II. Gameplay additions/subtractions

A. Force Stamina.

1. Brief explanation of concept. Okay, people don’t run around with personal shields in Star Wars Movies, and people don’t survive most hits with a lightsaber (especially if they are droids or insectoids). At the same time though, lightsaber duels are usually long and drawn out, and there is a definite sense of fatigue. In addition, force users rarely use their force powers against each other. I came to the conclusion that this lack of using force powers against fellow users is due to the fact that using it leaves you open, requires concentration, and requires stamina. I also wanted to punish those that use push all the time. People who use push all the time will find themselves with little stamina very quickly and dead even faster. Basically, you cannot be hit until you’re out of stamina, and when you are out of stamina, you better not get hit, or you’ll be dead (when your max stamina hits 0, you’re dead anyway, but I’ll get into that in a second).

2. The flow of the force. The force is a constant cycle, feeding into itself, and so your stamina will regenerate over time. This regeneration will be divided into two sections, pure physical regeneration in which having a lower level will be better, and force knowledge regeneration, in which the higher your level, the better. Certain things will prevent your stamina from recharging fully, but the recharge rate should be fast enough to make things fun.

3. Actions that cost stamina. Basically everything but walking, crouching, and normal blocking. I say normal blocking because every strike made at you will be ‘blocked’ until the last one, with an animation and everything. The difference being that normal blocking is like blocking now, you blocked it, enough said. Riposting (better than a parry, an actual strike back) when done automatically shall also be free.

4. Actions that regenerate stamina. Certain force powers will regenerate force stamina, so rather than detract from your stamina they will enhance, but at the same time will leave you open to attack, should an opponent get close enough. While these powers are in use, stamina will no longer be useful as a ‘shield’ and any strike against you will be fatal, so use with caution.

5. Max stamina v.s. Present stamina. Max stamina is the maximum amount that your character can get. Actions such as being ‘hit’ with a lightsaber or falling from a high height will be the only things that can detract from this. Be careful, as when this reaches 0, you die.

B. Lightsaber Combat.

1. Explaination of concepts. Swordplay in and of itself is a complex art, be it Kendo, Epee, Foil, or Saber fencing. A person’s style says a lot about them, and such. For the purpose of this modification, the forms will be differentiated by the following values:

a. Likelyhood of block in Blue, Yellow, and Red (while en guard and on the attack).

b. Likelyhood of parry in Blue, Yellow, and Red (while en guard and on the attack).

c. Likelyhood of Riposte in Blue, Yellow, and Red (while en guard and on the attack).

d. Blockability of strikes.

e. Parryability of strikes.

f. Likelyhood to be riposted.

2. The forms. There will be at this time 4 forms for the lightsaber, 1 for the sithsaber, and 1 undecided. They will work thusly

a. The lightsaber forms will focus on Yellow as being the norm that most people will use. It will be the most effective segment of this form, having the highest likelihood for an effective riposte or parry in this form. Red will have a low likelihood of riposte or parry, but will also have less likelihood of similar retaliation. Blue will be the most defensive, having very high likelihood of block and parry, but much lower likelihood of riposte than yellow. Users of blue will likely be resting while their opponent expends energy in an assault, users of yellow will be ‘semper paratus’ (always prepared), while users of red will be the more aggressive of the species. The main differences between the lightsaber forms will be in the animations and the lag between en guard and attack.

b. The sithsaber, on the other hand, will have the differences in blue, yellow, and red be based on how many people you are going up against, with the most defensive (blue) being focused on as many as 4 opponents.

c. ALL LIGHTSABER FORMS will have ability to ‘go John Woo’ (akimbo).

d. Riposting will be done AUTOMATICALLY when the combat system detects that an opponent has opened a hole in their defenses through the ferocity/recklessness of their attack. It will ALWAYS ‘hit’

C. Example of a NF Duel.

1. Meet Obi-Wan. Obi Wan Kenobi was an apprentice to Qui-Gon Jinn, up to like three minutes ago, that is. He is a Jedi Padawan with pretty average skills with the lightsaber, but the physical ability to meet almost any challenge. We’ll set his Max Stamina at 100, and he’s had some time to rest since the last confrontation, so he’s all set at 100/100.

2. Meet Darth Maul. He’s the Nar Shadaan badass from the old school. He just finished off Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, and now he’s ready for more. The old guy almost got him, and he’s at half strength from hard fighting, but he is still more powerful than Obi-Wan, at 135/110.

3. The forcefield doors open, and Obi-Wan runs in to the room. It takes him 2 seconds to get there, but he was running. 1 stamina point per second for running, he is down to 100/98. He attacks at Maul, who effortlessly blocks. It cost Obi-Wan 3 stamina to make the attack, but he had a second to regenerate a stamina point, so he is down to 100/97, Maul is up to 135/113 after three seconds of regeneration. Obi-Wan blocks the strike and ripostes, turning the riposte into a combo of four strikes, two of which ‘hit’ (Obi-Wan: [4*3=12] [12-3(riposte being free)=9] [97-9=88] Obi-Wan=100/88) (Maul: [3*15=45] [135-45=90] [113-45=68] Maul=90/68 So the battle goes. We all know what happened there.

III. Force Powers, Mission Statement and Application

A. How Use of the Force Works With Force Stamina. Pretty simple. Using the force decreases or increases the amount of energy you can concentrate on fighting your opponent, therefore it will affect your stamina. Some powers will be beneficial to the fight, some will be beneficial to the character, and some will be just for fun, when you are really beating the crap out of someone and want to shock them, ala Palpatine or Dooku.

B. Neutral Powers

1. Force Jump: Okay, these dudes when they’re jumping do not float down to the ground, laws of gravity cannot be disregarded. Jumping will not be floating. You will move quickly through the air, and a high jump will have to be charged up. Sort of like in JK, only with some JO nuances thrown in for style points.

2. Force Lightsaber Combat: This will make ripostes cost less than normal strikes. If normal strikes cost 3, this power will make ripostes cost 1 to make, as they are made automatically.

3. Force Push: Will be used mostly to push projectiles thrown at you away harmlessly, or push someone whose stamina is VERY low over a cliff or something. It will NOT be used when you are close to death and just want to win at any cost, as the effectiveness of this power will depend on both your stamina and the stamina of the target (if applicable).

4. Force Enhance Reflexes. This will be the first force power that will diminish the effect a ‘hit’ will have on your stamina. Where the base subtraction may be 5, this power being active will make it 3 or something, but like all good loans or mortgages, will require a down payment. Don’t use it unless you really need it.

C. Light Side Powers

1. Force Lightsaber Focus: This is the light side power that will incorporate “position direct targeting” if we incorporate it, which means that use of the keypad will in combination with the attack button will allow you to more effectively direct your lightsaber to a specific area of your opponent’s body. Want to attack their midsection with a stab? Press keypad 5 and then the attack button. Might be a little lofty, might not be incorporated, in which case this would probably just subtract from the cost of making an attack.

2. Force Calm: Will diminish the effect other people’s force powers have on you (when used aggressively).

3. Force Control Lightsaber: If “position direct targeting” is incorporated, will replace you pushing the keys with a computer controlled program that will strategically make attacks in places so that your opponent will become more open to the killing blow.

4. Force Sense Future: If “position direct targeting” is incorporated, will somehow tip you off to the area that an opponent is targeting, so that you can be better prepared to block or execute a counterstroke.

5. Force Absorb Attack: Will completely diminish the effect aggressive force powers have on you, and will even replenish your stamina. Will cost a bulk amount, but should repay in dividends if used at the right time.

D. Dark Side Powers

1. Force Lightsaber Determination: This is the dark side that will incorporate “position direct targeting” if we incorporate it. If not incorporated, this would probably just subtract from the cost of making an attack.

2. Force Rage: Will increase many of your attributes, such as speed and such, while decreasing the likelihood you have of blocking opponent’s attacks. When used with red sections of the forms, will be an incredible offensive power.

3. Force Alter Surroundings: Will allow you to throw inanimate objects at your opponents in an attempt to distract them. Be careful though, as the intelligent lightsider will push them, and they may come flying back at you…

4. Force Sense Future: If “position direct targeting” is incorporated, will somehow tip you off to the area that an opponent is targeting, so that you can be better prepared to block or execute a counterstroke.

5. Force Lightning: Do I really need to explain this?

IV. What I Would Like to do Down the Road

A. User Statistics. I’d really like to incorporate a system where every players stats will be kept on some master server, so that people would be able to build up their characters into monster creations that whup some major butt. Passwords or something for these characters would be necessary. May be too lofty to try, but it’d be really nice.

B. Server Admins. It would be so cool if people would watch the servers and reward those who fight honorably, while punishing those who do not, through addition/subtraction of redeemable points.

C. Full Time RPG Environment. HUGE maps of ENTIRE cities. Teamwork, Padawan/Master system. Etc. Fun stuff, all of it.


Anyway, that's what is in my head right now. Easier to do the basics of it, and more fun possibilities down the road.

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Now THAT may prove to be more difficult.


I would LOVE to get Raven's help on this, but getting them to look at Mod Ideas randomly seems to be a little difficult, as I know no-one within the organization. We at NRG would LOVE their help though, however they can give it.

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Heh. Two double lightsabers. WTF was he smoking when he thought of that? Not only would you probably skewer yourself if you did that, but all lightsaber movements would be relatively slow, and very weak; an oponent would smash right through your defense. Not to mention the sabers would just keep hitting eachother.


Now, that stuff you are talking about sounds interesting, Rajess. However, I don't think you should remove any force powers, just nerf them, making them fit in with the style of the mod, so they are not a total substitute for saber skill. Also, wouldn't it be cool if there were a bunch of objects that you could use push, pull, or grip to toss at your enemies? Kind of like Vader did to Luke in ESB. I was just playing in the Nar Shaada cantina, and I thought it would be cool to toss beer bottles at people. Or, better yet, smash some beer bottles with force grip, then send a storm of glass shards flying at someone. :) Not that that last one would likely be doable, but it would be sweet. You could have tossable items situated around a map, maybe have them respawn after a while.


The lightsaber system with the numpad sounds neat, but extremely unwieldy. Considering that most players have their left hand all the way over on the WASD keys, it would take a split second to do, and require people to stop moving for a second or more. I still think that holding down the mouse button and dragging the mouse in a certain direction would be better, albeit harder to program.


Also, if this mod is going to be more about jedi vs sith saber combat, it would make more sense for it to be taking place during the sith war. After all, that is the only time that there were large numbers of force users fighting eith lightsabers, at least since the founding of the Republic. Speaking of which, anyone know if Lucas is planning to make any other movies after Episode 3? I know he had originaly planned to make 3 trilogies, with the last one being after RotJ, but he seems to have given up on that. It occurs to me that he could make movies about the Sith War a milenium or two before Ep 1, or even the founding of the Jedi and the Republic a couple milenia before that. Now that would be sweet, becase almost nothing is known about those times.

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Heh. Two double lightsabers. WTF was he smoking when he thought of that? Not only would you probably skewer yourself if you did that, but all lightsaber movements would be relatively slow, and very weak; an oponent would smash right through your defense. Not to mention the sabers would just keep hitting eachother. Now, adjustable length lighstabers might be an interesting idea, as it is actually plausible and useful. Just have a little servo in the saber that adjust the distance between the laser emiter and the focusing crystal. As for width, no way. There is no actual use for different widths, and I can't see how they would do this, from a mechanical standpoint.


Now, that stuff you are talking about sounds interesting, Rajess. However, I don't think you should remove any force powers, just nerf them, making them fit in with the style of the mod, so they are not a total substitute for saber skill. Also, wouldn't it be cool if there were a bunch of objects that you could use push, pull, or grip to toss at your enemies? Kind of like Vader did to Luke in ESB. I was just playing in the Nar Shaada cantina, and I thought it would be cool to toss beer bottles at people. Or, better yet, smash some beer bottles with force grip, then send a storm of glass shards flying at someone. :) Not that that last one would likely be doable, but it would be sweet. You could have tossable items situated around a map, maybe have them respawn after a while.


The lightsaber system with the numpad sounds neat, but extremely unwieldy. Considering that most players have their left hand all the way over on the WASD keys, it would take a split second to do, and require people to stop moving for a second or more. I still think that holding down the mouse button and dragging the mouse in a certain direction would be better, albeit harder to program.


Also, if this mod is going to be more about jedi vs sith saber combat, it would make more sense for it to be taking place during the sith war. After all, that is the only time that there were large numbers of force users fighting eith lightsabers, at least since the founding of the Republic. Speaking of which, anyone know if Lucas is planning to make any other movies after Episode 3? I know he had originaly planned to make 3 trilogies, with the last one being after RotJ, but he seems to have given up on that. It occurs to me that he could make movies about the Sith War a milenium or two before Ep 1, or even the founding of the Jedi and the Republic a couple milenia before that. Now that would be sweet, becase almost nothing is known about those times.

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1) The problem with an adjustable saber blade is that it would require us to throw yet another thing into an already complicated mod. It's something to keep on the brain, but don't be suprised if for the sake of simplicity we don't put it in.


2) The substitution would only really happen if the numpad thing was found to be fun and easy. BUT, drain, protection, pull, persuasion, grip, and the other ones you couldn't really do on a force user effectively in the movies shall be removed.


3) We'd try to find some way around this, trust me.


4) Not necessarily Jedi V. Sith, but more like Jedi v. Dark Jedi or whatever. I think it's an idea that can be ported to any Jedi era.

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Well, the automatic repostes worry me. I don't wanna see people win by out-lucking, out-turtling, or out-waiting their oponents, and killing them with an automatic attack while just standing still. Incidentaly, that is one reason manual blocking would help; you wouldnt be able to stand still and just guarantee that your defense works. How about making an enemy stumble or some other visual cue (nothing as obvious as having a flashing riposte icon above peoples heads) and making players manually press a riposte button?


As for the stances, if all the stances work for all the weapons, than what is the difference? Will the ideas behind a stance, IE the advantages and disadvantages, be the same, but with different moves for the different sabers, or will they all be just the same moves, with the differences merely being in the percentage chances of blocking, riposteing, and stuff? Cause that would suck. Each saber, be it single, double, or akimbo, should have radically different fighting styles.


Now, as for force powers, I see no need to remove any of the base ones. Just make them work a bit differently to fit in with the mod. I personaly think lightning would be a great power, if you made it a stunning weapon instead of just a force-powered gun like it is now. You shoot off a lightning bolt to stun an enemy for a couple seconds, then you attack with the saber. Drain would be good too, if it healed less health, or maybe healed force stamina instead of health.


Now, about the force stamina... how fast will it recharge, and what all will affect it's recharge rate? You seem to indicate that it recharges at 1/second, is that a flat rate, or does it change depending on what you are doing? And does it recharge while you are doing something that uses stamina? Also, will this replace the current force bar, or be seperate from the force bar? I think it would be cool to have it seperate. The stamina bar helps you run, attack, block, and jump, while the force bar is used to use all your force powers except jump. Maybe have the force stamina bar affect the recharge rate of the force power bar. And, blocking should not be too heavily based on how much stamina you have. That is, you should be able to hit an enemy if you execute a really good attack. You seemed to indicate at one point that stamina would act as a kind of armor, taking damage instead of your health. This would be lame, it would be just like the force fields we have now. I think it would be better if it affected blocking rates, but was not absolute. This way you could kill an enemy by wearing down their stamina then finishing the, OR by using an elaborate combo/flanking attack to get past their defense and kill them while their stamina is still high. Fights shouldnt be a battle of stamina attrition.


Now, lastly: What about having player's health really slowly recharge based on how much stamina they have? Like, 1 health point every 100/stamina seconds. IE, 100 stamina= 1 health/second, 50 stamina= 1 health/2 seconds. This would not be much, but it would simulate the passive regenerative boost that Jedi have, plus it would give dark Jedi some form of health recharge, albeit a slow one.

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The automatic riposte would not actually do much damage, it would simply break the flow of your opponent's offensive and give you the chance to come in with a combo in the middle of theirs, like a combo breaker if you will. A stronger parry that doesn't lag you at all, sorta.


I don't understand what you are asking about the stances. All of the forms will have unique moves, if that is your question...I really have no idea what you are saying/asking.


Okay, drain is gone, and I'll explain why. Once you get past stamina, there is no such thing as health. You basically have one point of health, and stamina is the shield. Drain is gone. It has no basis at all in the movies. Lightning remains, exactly as you suggested almost, like a sort of stunning power like when used against Anakin in Ep 2.


Recharge rate will depend on factors to be decided later. Maybe level, maybe how high your max stamina is (higher, better), maybe a lot of things. The thing is though about separating them is that with a Jedi, they are tied together and are inseperable. It would also add another level of complicatedness to gameplay, and while we want it to be intricate and fun, we don't want it to be so intricate that you need to focus on 30 things in order to have a fighting chance. Maybe 20, but not 30 :).


Once again on your last point you misunderstand. People no longer take physical damage from falling, it hits the stamina. The only thing that can hurt you physically can only hurt you once, and then you're dead.


And all Jedi would have some form of recharge, through stamina recharge.


Darth Darth, I LOVE your input, you seem to be genuinely interested, and have some great ideas!


Keep it coming!

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I know this is very unlikely, but I would like to see dismemberment not always result in death. Luke lost his hand, Anakin lost his arm, Maul was alive long enough to give Obi Wan a cock-eyed look after being cut in half, etc. Physical handicaps.


Yeah, I know it would be hard to implement and might be stupid and pointless, but it would be close to the movies... :sweating:

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Yeah, it would be really cool to do that. Locational damage would be tight, but hard to make realistic given the rules that have been set already.


Another thing is that none of those people continued to fight after their loss of limb. Effectively, they still lost. Something that we might include as a mandatory is dismemberment. like cs_dismember 2 being automatically on or something.

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Another interesting, albeit obscure, thing that would be interesting and probably highly unlikely, would be Obi-Wan and Yoda "becoming one with the force" and just disappearing upon death instead of dismemberment of just death. Though it really is impractical, as Kenobi did it on purpose and Yoda died of old age...

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Hmm... let's see. Obi Wan didn't have his saber on when he disappeared. Maybe that's exploitable? Maybe have a suicide function that freezes you in place and disables your lightsaber?


By the way, I think kick should be removed in its current form. The only time we see a Jedi kicking is when Maul hits Obi Wan. And he just does a swift thrust-kick, if I recall correctly. Never leaves the ground.

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