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Idea for more exciting and skillful saber combat: Manual Blocks


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Manual blocks may give saber fighting that extra flavor it needs to become truly a thing to master in a computer game, and become a fun ride getting there. I'm not talking about vs. guns, it should still be automatic there, i'm talking about saber vs. saber.


The basic idea would be to take saber throw off alt fire (put to another key) and make the alt fire a block function. When you click this button you will go into block mode starting with a block in the center. As you move the mouse it blocks different areas. Move the mouse to the upper left to block incoming diagonal slashes that go high to low, etc. To avoid long and drawn out saber fights, you cannot change the direction you are facing while blocking, so an enemy could decide to work there way around you unless you react fast enough. Also, there would be a dealy between blocks, the delay would be slightly faster than a medium swing, allowing you at least a chance to react and block it.


This would give light stance a purpose: Getting through somebody who is a very well trained blocker. Heavy stance would have a chance to pass through blocks, but not all the time, if it does pass through a block it would do as much damage as a medium stance blow. If the same block is hit twice, it breaks and the defender is left open for attack momentarily.


I think this would add some spice that mp saber combat desperately needs. :p

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No the auto block when not attacking is what makes this game great. You can't just flail into your opponent... if manual blocks were on they wouldn't be used much... people would be flailing like madmen. Besides lag makes manual blocking a really annoying experience. I have played Rune ALOT and the manual blocking was what annoyed me most. And Rune was even much slower than JK2... I vote NO! The game is fine as it is!

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Looks like the devs thought of this too. For some reason it doesnt work though. If you look at some of the commands, there is one for saberautoblock or somewhat near that anyway. Plus there is a command +block. Now if only these worked, it would be a little different.

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We are close, but not quite to the point where everyone playing has a less than 40 ms ping. Even if this were in the game (and working), it wouldn't be very effective for people with poor connections... and I don't think game designers are ready to put their testes out on the chopping block like that yet.


It would be something that would be a fine modification to the game by some garage programmers though, and I'm sure I'm not the first one to think of that as a JK2 mod.


I want to say there was even a Quake 2 mod that had fighting game style combat where players had to lock onto another player to "engage" them in combat, and then the control scheme changed completely to resemble something more like Virtua Fighter than Quake.


I could have been dreaming that up though.



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to reply to Valdarious and this thread, there is the setting in the console for saberautoblocking. i've been trying to tell people this forever, and no one gets it. manual blocking is already in the game, you just need to enable it.


set saberautoblocking to zero to disable it (g_saberautoblocking 0 ...i think that's the command, though it may not be that exactly...look for something similar in the cvarlist or cmdlist). now you need to bind a key (MOUSE2 works great) to block (bind MOUSE2 +block). this *does* work. try it and stand in front of a stormtrooper without blocking. all shots will hit you.


after i finished the game the first time the first thing i did was replay the game on jedi master difficulty, with manual blocking, saberrealisticcombat set to about 10, the two extra stances, and the speed slowed down to 201. now THAT'S a game!! that's the way to get the most intense, non-flailing saber fights in the game in my opinion.



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Yeah, Auto Block helps make up for lag. Maybe blue-stance being able to block red-stance with more certianty would help. This would add some balance. A parry function that jams or stuns the attacker might be nice, either bound to a button or stance context (standing still). I'd like to see a better defensive style of play, but something that would not add to the players work load.


When ping is good auto blocking/defending against the blue and yellow stance are great fun and works well. Other than rolling and jumping like a monkey there is no sure defense against red-stance. Run Run Run as fast as you can..... fighting red just starts to get silly. Its easy to fight if you want to spend time jocky-ing for an opening.... I'm going to fight red stance only using the red-stance-special "YoYo Attack"... over, and over and over.............




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Originally posted by Valdarious

There is a way in the game to set up manual saber blocking, at first I didnt think it worked but after playing with it, it does work. Bring down the console and type g_saberautoblocking 0 then bind a key to +block. It adds a different twist to saber combat, but I havent been able to find a way to do this in MP, since there isnt a +block command in MP.


I didnt try it yet but you can try and ind out if it is working

Have fun...

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Originally posted by Irimi-Ai

to reply to Valdarious and this thread, there is the setting in the console for saberautoblocking. i've been trying to tell people this forever, and no one gets it. manual blocking is already in the game, you just need to enable it.


set saberautoblocking to zero to disable it (g_saberautoblocking 0 ...i think that's the command, though it may not be that exactly...look for something similar in the cvarlist or cmdlist). now you need to bind a key (MOUSE2 works great) to block (bind MOUSE2 +block). this *does* work. try it and stand in front of a stormtrooper without blocking. all shots will hit you.


after i finished the game the first time the first thing i did was replay the game on jedi master difficulty, with manual blocking, saberrealisticcombat set to about 10, the two extra stances, and the speed slowed down to 201. now THAT'S a game!! that's the way to get the most intense, non-flailing saber fights in the game in my opinion.



After messing with the SP for awhile I figured this out today and posted about it SP strategy section. I guess what was throwing me off before is that when I saw a demo of block in one of the avi's on the net before the game came out, block did an animation. After toying with it today I realized if I was blocking I couldnt swing, thats when I knew it worked. I didnt see you post till now, but thanks. It adds a different twist to SP. Too bad +block isnt in MP.


*edit* looks like Sontarian found my post in the strategy section.

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Originally posted by Irimi-Ai

to reply to Valdarious and this thread, there is the setting in the console for saberautoblocking. i've been trying to tell people this forever, and no one gets it. manual blocking is already in the game, you just need to enable it.


set saberautoblocking to zero to disable it (g_saberautoblocking 0 ...i think that's the command, though it may not be that exactly...look for something similar in the cvarlist or cmdlist). now you need to bind a key (MOUSE2 works great) to block (bind MOUSE2 +block). this *does* work. try it and stand in front of a stormtrooper without blocking. all shots will hit you.


after i finished the game the first time the first thing i did was replay the game on jedi master difficulty, with manual blocking, saberrealisticcombat set to about 10, the two extra stances, and the speed slowed down to 201. now THAT'S a game!! that's the way to get the most intense, non-flailing saber fights in the game in my opinion.




You are talking single player right?


I tried the commands in MP and it wouldn't even recognize block. If it only works in single player it really isn't very useful.

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yeah, it's SP only right now, but it's better than nothing.


to slow speed down (SP or MP), just type "g_speed x" (or it might just be "speed x"...i can't remember), where x is the speed you want. default for MP and SP is 250. I use 201 or 200. at 200, rolls are the same speed as running, and everything is slowed down. at 201, everything is slowed down, but rolling is the 'normal' speed (i.e., faster). makes sabering much more interesting and not running around flailing. you can set speed slower than 200 and higher than 250 if you want, though 200 and 201 are perfect, i think.



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