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map - tatooine progress


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i had a free moment so i made some progress on tatooine. i've expanded the space a bit, by request, to increase the possible number of players. i've also been messing with the architecture to better match tatooine. the way i had it was ok, but it wasn't quite tatooine. it was sort of... super mario.


anyway, just keeping people posted.



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arches. those would be those things actually on tatooine.


if your concern is r_speeds, dont sweat it. i know well enough to not go nutso. better yet i know enough proper mapping technique to avoid em in the first place.


texture: don't worry about that either. i basically can dedicate my time to texturing, skinning, modelling or mapping. not all 4 at once. i happened to use that time for mapping. i havent updated the textutre set yet. those are on a Mac still.



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