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saber handle


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well, i made my first model tday and it happened to be a new handle for JKII....take a look... handlesaber1test.jpg quiet frankly i didn't know what i was making till about half way through..... i made it like a evilish kinda look too...maybe when i skin and practice more it will look GREAT instead of awful...

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DUDEEEE... learn how to edit yer posts... I nearly grew white hair trying to make out the diference between the first 2 pics LOL.


It looks promissing since it's design is somewhat original.

Start giving it detail. Also watch out for those pyramids on the middle of the handle.. they look unconfortable for the user.(im a realistic freak). If those pyramids are to separate the left hand space from the right hand space of the handle.. the i'd sugest a lil' scalling down the ends of the handle. My guess is.. it would look better.


These are merelly sugestions.. you can do as you like. I'll try to follow up your model :)


Keep at it.

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ya good point blood.... those spikes in the grip don't really go with it but yah much better with the grip are =) ..... i dunno maybe dent the top in and see what happens? dunno not very experience with 3d =( .... looking good keep us updated =)

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nice look good now... about the spikes yah maybe the protectors should maybe be a little for to compensate? hrmm just some thoughts.... if your going for the spike look maybe sink in the flat parts of the top if yah know what i mean? ...

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Much better looking now ...




It's starting to look more like a lightsaber handle. Keep it up.


keep experimenting on it.


Since you take sugstions.. I'll just throw another one...the inner part of the spike at the lower end has spikes pointing to the inside... try making them point outwards or downwards. outwards, you would have spikes to the sides which should look great. Also touch up the upper end.. the flat end... give it more work and detail.


Luved the inner part of the handle. :)


keep it up. :)

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