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Bluntman and Chronic!!


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I just thought of the greatest non-SW skins ever for this game!! You guessed it - Bluntman and Chronic!!


If I had some free time I would attempt a go but that won't happen for a week or 2. Now seriously that would be hilarious. Then move on to the bong sabres!! How funny was that in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (one of the funniest movies ever made by the way [especially if you enjoy the THC])? Those sabres with the weird glow waves would look pretty cool in this game.


An ambitous person would even begin to contemplate making a Cockknocker skin (Mark Hamil's character in Jay and Silent Bob)



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dude i had this idea last week...the only problem with it is that you would need new models for both jay and silent bob, as none of the existing models would port the skins very well. think about it...jay has long hair and wears a helmet that looks like "a gay hood ornament" and silent bob looks like something from "the colour purple". hehe


it is a sweet idea, but impracticle until the SDK gets released. however, once that happens im sure we will be seeing hundreds of imitation bluntman and chronic skins. *sigh* i guess we can but wait eh?


great minds think alike eh powerfuljedi?


peace out!

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Originally posted by D.L.

Could you fit any more KS quotes into those posts!?




****, ****, ****, ****, mother mother ****, mother mother **** ****, mother ****, mother ****, noige, noige, noige, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, noige, noige, noige, schmokin weed weed weed weed ..... rolling fatties rolling blunts, who smokes the blunts? we smoke the blunts....


hey can i get a nickelbag?


15 bucks little man, put that **** in my hand, if your money doesn't show then you owe me owe me owe....




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Wow.. was considering try to do a chronic skin for a mate of mine.. but my skinning/modelling skills are sadly lacking. I've managed to get a few good screenies of chronic, so if anyone starts on this project and needs some advice, help or moral support then let me know cause I wanna see a chronic skin too!!

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