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SP skins!


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First... you need to be able to create a .pk3 file with a directory structure in it... What I did is make a mods folder in the base folder, and inside it is the models folder, players inside that, and then the skin folders go in there... so it would be:




and then the skins inside that.


After that, there are several different ways to do it.


The simplest way is for someone to go in and change the folder name of the skin they wish to use to kyle and then change the directory listings in the model_default.skin file from what the folder was orignally named to kyle.


Then go back to the base folder and use a program that can save .pk3's and chose the mods folder to "zip"... (I use winzip, works fine) and name it something like kylemod, kylesp, or something as long as it doesn't start with an "A". When you go into single player, unless I've left something out, kyle should be replaced with the new model....


Essentially what you're doing is telling the game to override the kyle folder in assets0.pk3 with your new .pk3 file. I just released a skin with the SP and MP capabilties, if you wanted you could download it and pick apart the files to see exactly what's going on. I have it set up so only the bare essentials are in the kyle.pk3, while everything else comes from the MP skin.. making it relatively easy to switch it on and off.


Hope this helps.

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The skin you are going to use should better be based on Kyle's model, or else you would have to face a few problems.


For one thing, the skin files (being tga or jpg files) will only fit onto the model they have been made for. You could compare it to clothing of the wrong size...Just a lot worse, because some parts could be entirely dislocated.

You could change Kyle's model as well (and play the game as a Rodian, e.g.), but for that to work well you are required to play the game from the start (or load the map you want to play in, by use of the console).


Loading a saved game may create severe model-related errors, when you are using a differing model for Kyle (it would not damage your game, I assume...but some of those "errors" just look too bizarre).


Another note...

The skins/models you see in the cutscenes are the precise same that are being used in the game while playing.

So, no need to worry on that behalf.

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Ok...got some questions


The simplest way is for someone to go in and change the folder name of the skin they wish to use to kyle and then change the directory listings in the model_default.skin file from what the folder was orignally named to kyle.


change the folder name? Which folder would that be?

'then change the directory listings in the model_default.skin'? Directory listings in the model?


Then go back to the base folder and use a program that can save .pk3's and chose the mods folder to "zip"... (I use winzip, works fine) and name it something like kylemod, kylesp, or something as long as it doesn't start with an "A". When you go into single player, unless I've left something out, kyle should be replaced with the new model....


'Use a program'? What program would you suggest?


Essentially what you're doing is telling the game to override the kyle folder in assets0.pk3 with your new .pk3 file. I just released a skin with the SP and MP capabilties, if you wanted you could download it and pick apart the files to see exactly what's going on. I have it set up so only the bare essentials are in the kyle.pk3, while everything else comes from the MP skin.. making it relatively easy to switch it on and off.

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