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Infinity Blade

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Well.. sort of. This is a five minute job... Well, not exactly.


I've completed my dark kyle, but also wanted to make a sp skin that was still good, but yet looked like a Mercenary. I don't know about any of you, but if I'm sneaking into an imperial outpost, I am NOT going to be wearing various shades of brown. That's almost like woodland camo in the snow.......


Sooo... He's the basis of another project. It probably will end up being a quickie, but it's something I thought would be kinda nice, for me if not for any of you. Something simple, yet fitting.


Here's what I accomplished in all of 5 minutes. (Well, closer to fifteen....)




Something whacky was going on with the game, as in the middle picture you can see his waist is off centered. It had about a second delay when it moved too, allowing kyle some rather articulate twisting. Just a temp glitch though.


The pants are iffy, and the coloring needs to be perfected, but it's the base of it. Shouldn't take too long to wrap this one.


Opinions are welcome....

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I think it's really good!

Cept, I was hoping he could've kept his gloves (Gauntlets whatever). I was wondering how you made these really cool skins and implemented them into SP? oh and where can I download this one?


btw, ever thinking about doing a good kyle with some Jedi hints (Jedi_trainer's armor and gloves are super cool ^_^)?

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I'll submit this to jediknightII.net when it's done... but it's got a little ways to go yet. I want to get it as good as I can first.


And yeah, I've been thinking about doing a jedi kyle as well.. I've got a experimental jedi robe torso piece I'm drawing right now. Could go for kyle or other jedi. Is in a jedi style but not the common robe design. Like I said, it's experimental.


Can check it out if you want.


As far as implementing them into sp? All you really need to do is create a .pk3 file with the model_default.skin and model.glm from whatever model you want to use inside it. It's a little more complicated than that.. suppose I could make a quick tutorial or something, but I think someone might've done it already...... unsure.

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Not too bad! I like blue and gray... make a nice combo.


Well, after some thinking and a little messing around, the shirt alteration didn't fit very well, and as is this looks cool. I think I'm gonna just do a little more tweaking and let it loose. As I said before, this one's just a quickie.


Here's a screen with a very minor update...




The real kicker is how I got the picture of him just like that....


It boggles the mind............. ;)

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