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JOMap - Quake3 BSP Conversion Tool


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HAHAHA! Raven just got 0wNed! Check it! :cool:



Forgive my shamless gloating, but I'm very happy that I got this to work. :D


Sorry if you have to reinstall Outcast to a quake directory, but don't blame me. Blame whoever put that silly check into q3map!


Ok, get to it! ;) I want to hear what works and what doesn't. I'm probably going to hear a lot of what doesn't work. :(

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it works yahhoo =)

just tried a map i created and everything seems to work.


thnx for the link.



-water doesnt work

-the patch mesh architecture is screwed up

-all the textures are too small (->Readme)

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ok i just gave it a whirl. i didnt get any q3map errors. heres what happened. all of my cyls disappeared. the caps stayed. the cyls that were closed off in domes turned into 2-dimensional crescents.


i know youre not asking for bug reports. this is more for people who want to try it.


personally it helped me a great deal becausei was able to get an idea of the massive scale differences between quake3 and jk2.


nice tool.



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Yeah, I thought there would be many problems. Raven made a lot of changes to the BSP format. I doubt that I'll get it working perfectly before they release the editor. It's just a toy really. :)


Thanks guys! :) That's pretty interesting news about the cylinders. I didn't expect that at all. I thought the lighting and shaders would be the big problem areas.


There is another thread running at Massassi if your interested. BoBo_Fett even got Canyon Oasis to load, with the help of dr0id's JKImport plugin, of course! :)


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Originally posted by AB_Legion

I'll take a pass. I'm going to wait for the 'real' tools to come out. Just so I avoid troublesome aggrevations on getting this JOmap thing to work, because it's not worth it.


The short story is I agree. Ive got nothing positive too say so I'll just let it simmer.





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