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Can I control npc-s?(Like Luke or else...


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Is there a cheat to control npc caracters in single player mode?I tried a cheat,but it doesn't worked!I'd like to play with Skywalker or a reborn,that would be a great fun!!!...I can spawn npc-s to help me,but i can't replace Katarn!Please help me!Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I'm a newcomer,but this is a great site,helped me a lot.JK2 is a pretty cool game,i could easily finished it in padawan and the second difficulty level)

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Type devmapall to activate cheats

spawn your npc ... (ill use desann)

type : npc spawn desann

then type

setforceall 5

then use mindtrick on desann

u have unlimited force with him and his pull seems ALOT stronger than kyles :) hope this answers your question

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Thanks Wake,but i meant I'd like to play with other characters,not control them with Mind Trick.I know these codes(SetForceAll,spawn...etc.) and i tried them too,but i want to play the whole JK2 with an another character!I hope you understand my problem!Thank you for the help!


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