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Anakin EP2 skin now ready for dl


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It appears that the whole site is down right now, I don't know if anyone was able to get to the file before the site crashed...I'll have to check with the person who runs the site when I get home tonight to see what the deal is. If the site isn't comming back up anytime soon I'll just find another host for it, or jediknightii.net can actually host up the file I sent them! :mad:

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Originally posted by gonk-raider

GREAT GRAND, YOU MADE A ANKIN SKIN THAT LOOKS LIE IT BELONGS IN JEDIKNIGHT 1.. ya know.. back in the day where you needed NO detail.. good jobsport.. oOoh by the way THIS ISNT JEDIKNIGHT 1 USE MORE DETAI LIN THE FUTURE OR DONT POST AT ALL:c3po:


...What the HELL are you talking about...?


Skins in JK2 required MORE detail, as the lighting and player models both did nothing, if not detracted from the skins, whereas in JO, the lighting and models often MAKE the skin.


So before you go knocking other people's work, work which you obviously no nothing about, please show us your INFINITLY DETAILED skins...I'm dying to see these skins of yours you're comparing all others to...



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Yeah wolf, I did alter the color a bit but I gave you full credit for the face in my readme...unfortunately noone has gotten the readme yet to read it =(. I was hoping that when the skin was posted on jk2.net (if it will ever be) that they would include a nice comment I made to you about all your work, but I don't know if that will happen now. BTW guys, I'm still working on getting a dl up...should be up later tonight!


As for you Gonk, I could get all angry and yell and scream until my face turned red and my fingers stopped working, or I could go off and cry all night. But you know what, I'm not going to do either of those things. I am not going to let your comments get to me. The fact is, more experienced skinners than you, if I can even call you a skinner, people like JRA_Wolf and Absath who have made many valuable contributions to the JK2 community are just fine with my skin. I care much more about their opinion and of the opinions of the people in the community who download my skin than I do about the words of some troll who bashes people's hard work on a message forum.

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Dont listen to him Danica... I only saw the pic you posted earlier... but no matter how bad it may be you gave it a shot... that's more than a lot I know.


Anyway... I still have to see it... so I may give you some pointers on what you can do next time.


Worry not... I've made some pretty bad skins myself :)


And yes... Gonk's comments are not fit to criticise the worst skin possible.


One other thing...

Personally I hate getting bad reviews than no reviews at all :p (go figure lol)


Hell... I still have to see the skin... so I wont even assume it's bad at all.

Keep at it.

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damn straight Danica. theres too many people who sit back and whine at the mod community saying "gimme gimme" and "make this better and change that!" without even realizing that we have limited materials to work with at the moment.


i extend my personal kudos to you for even trying an ep2 anakin with what we have. i couldnt bring myself to attempt it with the models we have, but at least you put one out there. perfect or not, its better than what we had previously- nothing.


on a lighter note, i think the skin is wonderful, its the model that has the shortcomings ;)




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Originally posted by Absath

damn straight Danica. theres too many people who sit back and whine at the mod community saying "gimme gimme" and "make this better and change that!" without even realizing that we have limited materials to work with at the moment.


i extend my personal kudos to you for even trying an ep2 anakin with what we have. i couldnt bring myself to attempt it with the models we have, but at least you put one out there. perfect or not, its better than what we had previously- nothing.


on a lighter note, i think the skin is wonderful, its the model that has the shortcomings ;)





That's absolutely true!

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