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Congratulations on making a great game! :vadar:


I'm pretty appalled by the negativity on this forum toward the hard-working designers, so I'd like to express my happiness with your product to balance out the nay-sayers.


Since this IS a technical feedback forum, the balance issues I think _might_ have merit:


1) Running Backward speed

2) Bunny Hopping/Rolling Distance

3) Passive (Absorb, Rage, Protect, Speed) powers showing visual effect 100% of the time.

4) Repeater alt fire delay

5) Heavy "DFA" attack (only because SO MANY whine about it)

6) Force Pull cost/weapon range, espcially in conjunction with backpedal



Running Backward:


I have taken advantage of this far too often. You backpedal, firing a gun as your pursuer can't close the gap enough to pull your weapon away, or pull you close enough to be dangerous. Or you backpedal as someone chases your heels, swinging their saber wildly, and wait for an opening then reverse direction and cut them in half. These are the abuses of the speed at which a player can backpedal... and they are significant.


Bunny Hopping/Rolling Distance


An old bug. You can outrun a running player with either of these. Personally, I love the Roll. I think it should remain the way it is, since it leaves you vulnerable. Bunny hopping does need to be fixed, perhaps adding a minor delay to jump... well, I leave that up to developers. But it is a rather silly bug!


Passive Force Powers


I personally don't think these need to be changed. At all. If someone comes at me with Dark Rage on, I wait for it to end, then grip/lightning them... and with 1 health, they die instantly. Which results in the inevitable "Lamer! *****! Stop running away!" ... which doesn't change the fact that they couldn't use rage effectively enough to balance out it's weakness. The same with absorb/protect/speed and sight, for that matter. The powers come with weakness built in. They can't be used lightly, they make the user too vulnerable (lack of force) when they wear off! Perhaps to combat this, the aura for Rage should only come up after the user swings, and disappear 5 seconds later, and the aura for protect/absorb should only come up after the power is engaged (shot/gripped, etc), and disappear 5 seconds later. Any canny opponent will notice that a raged user or force speed user is moving faster, so hiding the ability is ultimately impossible... but it's a bone to throw the whining group that wouldn't imbalance the powers.


Repeater Alt-Fire


All four of the push weapons (Repeater-Alt, Missile, Thermal Det, Flechette-Alt) have a higher rate of fire/speed than they can reliably be pushed back, given basic 'net lag. That's no problem. The only one that really feels overpowered, to me, is the repeater. I can spam it far too quickly. I can do the same with the Flechette, but the Flechette requires a direct hit to explode and damage an area, while the repeater automatically does a damage radius... ROF should be lowered (slightly), in my humble opinion.


Heavy DFA attack:


I think the saber modes are balanced. I use all three. I come out even on saber fights, I'm no guru. I swap to light the second I see an energy weapon trained on me (E-11/Bow/Pistol), hang in medium most of the time, and use heavy for one-shot kills if I feel I know my opponent well enough. I have not, at this time, played a no-force game, and I don't believe that anyone should consider balancing the saber modes without considering guns and the force. I don't think the DFA move needs adjustment, but I'm compelled to bring it up due to the sheer volume of whining. The move leaves you VERY vulnerable in a guns or force game.


Force Pull


Stealing a weapon is doable, but nowhere near as easy as it was in JK I... which is ok. The cost is also somewhat prohibitive. Perhaps lowering the cost slightly, or increasing the range (10-15 feet seems to be the limit) that you can steal a weapon at... that would make me happy! I need to get a little TOO close to steal a rocket launcher/flechette gun, and those weapons are extreeeeemely dangerous at close range. I can always get it if the opponent isn't facing me/doesn't know I'm there, but if they know I'm coming they'll utilize that run-speed backpedal and my pulls will only drag them closer - and give them a better shot. The combination of backpedal running and the weak range of pull-stealing makes it less viable than it should be... I still think it is well implimented, but I need to be virtually within Saber range! I steal weapons _constantly_ ... but it's not effective against anyone who has half an idea of steal's limited range and utilizes backpedal. At that point, they have _every_ advantage if they continue to backpedal and fire. A pull will bring them closer, but your recovery time gives them time to push or shoot you. Force Speed / Protect somewhat modify this situation, but if they run backward facing you they can force push you as soon as you try anything (or drain), or wait for the tell-tale green of protect to wear off, and you're back to square one. I've been on BOTH sides of this equation - I know I have EVERY advantage when I am being chased by one or more opponents and I'm holding the Flechette Gun. I usually drain them, then shoot them to pieces. Fortunately for them, I'm a fairly poor shot, but I have the advantage of time on my side... they can't close with me. If they continue pursuit, almost inevitably I get lucky and they catch a ball of flak. I know many of the levels well enough to run through them backward... and it contributes a fair number of kills to my score.






In closing, I'd like to thank you again for a great game... and request that you NOT listen too heavily to people complaining about the game and about your 'inadequacies' and attempts to turn this into 'Quake3 with the Force'. The game is well balanced and enjoyable, and the 'bugs' (aside from Bunny Hop) do not effect the gameplay of anyone who is familiar with their use and counters.


Thanks again.


- Gaeb

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