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If you post, PLEASE READ!!!!!


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This forum is one of the only ones I read/post to. There is a wealth of useful information here and i'm very appreciative when

I can get answers to my questions.


However, i've noticed on many occasions, that people who respond to posts tend to stray from the original subject.

(see my last thread, for example).

I'm sure many of you have read threads that start out with

a question, someone replies with a suggestion, and after that

the thread topic goes straight out the window. People start

bashing each other for grammar, opinions, and so forth.


Now I firmly believe everyone has the right to free speech and

their opinions. But free speech isn't what this post is about.


I just ask everyone who reads these forums to please consider the following:


1. If someone has taken the time to post here to resolve a problem and you know of a possible solution, please HELP THEM!

This will help minimize the amount of duplicate posts with the same problem.

2. If you read a post and have NO SOLUTION, please


I feel it is just rude to reply with no suggestions just to insult someone for their lack of game knowledge or spelling or whatever. Basically, if you're not helping you're hurting.


I did not intend for this post to be some kind of rant or for people to think i'm just a whiner.

I just feel that this forum would be an easier place for everyone to use if there was a little more respect on the part of all of us.


Anyone with any thoughts about this , I implore you to express

your opinions.


And if you just plan on replying with a "Stop whining you wussy!"

type attitude, than you've totally missed the point.



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Now, don't think tha that I'm nailing you to the wall or anything. I just wanted to express my thoughts. I agree with you. For the most part the posting tends to stray. At the same time, however, questions get answered. I've noticed through my progressing through the levels of Bantha Fodder, Pit Droid, and now Sith Pit Droid that a lot of the "vertrens" (guys with several hundred or thousand posts) tend to be great sources of help and entertainment. Part of what happens in the forums is helpfull and entertaining. If the question gets anwsered, fine and dandy, but if you didn't have fun somthing is wrong. Have a little patiance with the people that just like to chat and tend to shift the topic. It's what makes it fun. I find the vets. do it the most. Good luck on the rest of this. Have fun. (I also hope all your questions are answered.)

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Well IMO it's not bad if a thread drifts away from the original topic. That doesn't always happen just because someone starts a flamewar, it also happens when the topic lead to another topic and to another and so on. That's called a discussion, and that's what forums are about.


So I'd say flaming is bad but straying from the topic is not necessarily "evil".

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This isn't a threat or anything, but we admins do have the power to delete people's post, or reset their post count to 0 if we feel the need.


Let that be something to think about for the folks who post just to inflate their post count totals!


I agree, a lot of the flames and off topic replies we see are unnecessary...

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I agree, discussion is great. And many questions do get answered.

My original point though, was that I feel people should respond

in a positive way to an original thread.

If after a few responses a debate or discussion ensues, that's no

problem. But the original topic should be addressed so that

quetions may be answered in a resonable amount of time.

Otherwise, the thread starter is just sitting and waiting to have their question answered while others are engaged in a great debate that may not be relative.:)

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