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Expansion Wishlist.....


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I know they deserve a break, but...


First of all, my only two big complaints with JO will hopefully be fixed in the expansion....


1) No beasts!!!!!!!! What the hell??? Just those tiny crawlin' things. Come on!! This is star wars!!!


2) Have a separate control for lightsaber movement and character movement. This should make for actual duels and not having to constantly move your character left every time you want to attack left. Aleast enable us to bind the saber movement to the mouse and character movement to the keys.


3) Okay Obi wan on the Xbox let us, so why can't we throw objects at enemies? Every force pushed object was a canned animation. I want to lift that crate and throw it at the stormtrooper.



What do ya'll think? BTW I do love this game. Thanks Raven and Lucasarts.

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what i really want them to fix is the MP saber combat! they need to make it like it is in SP. i would also like to have them make it so you can choos what kind of saber you use in MP. they could make it so you can have 2 sabers but you only have the light stance, than you could have the double blade saber thingy darth maul has, but you can only have the medium and heavy stances. i think if they were to do that the game would be so much better!

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I'd like to see new models for the game. Specifically I'd like to see Yoda, NH Obi-Wan, PM Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and the Fett's. Of course, if the community comes up with these models and they're of the same quality of the existing models, awesome. So far as maps, I'd like some new official maps but mapping is the easiest thing to make for any game (as far as I'm concerned) so there will hopefully be plenty good ones made by the community. A double sabre with a different set of moves from the single would be nice also.

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