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Cairn Reactor, ARRGGHHH!!......


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Im sure those who have reached this will agree that its a real

bas*ard. If you dont know what im talking about its the place where you have tunnels which have random green electicity

shooting through the middle, if you go anywhere near it you

get fried.


Ive managed to navigate my way partly through by using

force run, it seems like it is not enough as im finding it REALLY

hard. I just hate it when developers put this sort of sh*t in

(kinda reminds me of the max payne maze parts - real cheap).


If its any help to you for helping me if poss is im at the part when

there is this big generator which fires it out in four directions,

if i go either way i either get fried or find myself back at the

beggining - sigh




many thanks



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You will find a smallish room where 3 units are firing at 3 blue-domed receptors. You have to destroy all 3 of the domes. A hole will appear in the wall that you can walk thru. After that, there is a switch on a big 4 way firing unit that turns everything off.

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The answer was actually made by painless, in frustration i didnt read all of his solution, i was actually at the point where i could turn it off, ive progressed to where i meet 2 jedi with dark armour!


come get some!!!


thanx again



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