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Ok, I'm done! I no longer belong to any MP code!...........


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Ok, I'm done with all this SC,ASC, SCCS.SCTV,etc; cr@p!! -I am so freakin' sick and tired of all these debates and kindergarten scuffles over a few simple ideas that were taken/blown way out of proportion! It has really become way out of hand. From now on, I belong to no code, only a right way of playing JK][ as far as i'm concerned. I guess I 'm kinda like a freelance player. Sure, If I run across a fellow player that shows common courtesy and respect then I will show the same, Example:ASC players. But if I run across players that I see scoring cheap/lame kills by interfering in duels,killing mobile players, and going after/killing players w/ thier saber off waiting/looking for a challenge then I will go after those SOBs relentlessly and kill them at whatever costs! -Example--ASC and players noobz named PADAWAN!-I'll play at thier own game and piss them off! I am for myself for now on!!:D:cool:

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I have no problem admitting he whipped me good. I stated what the deal was in his thread. I'm just tired of all the kiddie-BS arguing over a few simple ideas.I am 30 years old and have a real life with real-life issues to worry about! I just want to play the game and relieve some stress while dealing with as few a$$h0l3$ and immature-kiddies that try to ruin your game as much as possible.

Just wanna have fun without those trying to ruin it for me...plain&simple. ;):D

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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

But if I run across players that I see scoring cheap/lame kills by interfering in duels,killing mobile players, and going after/killing players w/ thier saber off waiting/looking for a challenge then I will go after those SOBs relentlessly and kill them at whatever costs!


Looks like you'll just be running the SC code just without the tag lol.

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