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Ok, I'm done. I no longer belong to any MP code!


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Ok, I'm done with all this SC,ASC, SCCS.SCTV,etc; cr@p!! -I am so freakin' sick and tired of all these debates and

kindergarten scuffles over a few simple ideas that were taken/blown way out of proportion! It has really become way

out of hand. From now on, I belong to no code, only a right way of playing JK][ as far as i'm concerned. I guess I 'm

kinda like a freelance player. Sure, If I run across a fellow player that shows common courtesy and respect then I

will show the same, Example:ASC players. But if I run across players that I see scoring cheap/lame kills by

interfering in duels,killing mobile players, and going after/killing players w/ thier saber off waiting/looking for a

challenge then I will go after those SOBs relentlessly and kill them at whatever costs! -Example--ASC and players

noobz named PADAWAN!-I'll play at thier own game and piss them off! I am for myself for now on!!:D:cool:

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LOL!:p -I am 30 years old and have a real life with real-life issues to worry about. I just want to play the game and relieve

some stress while dealing with as few a$$h0l3$ and immature-kiddies that try to ruin your game as much as possible.

Just wanna have fun without those trying to ruin it for me...plain&simple. ;):D

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30 years old? Dear god, if I haven't given this up by then, I'm handing myself over the the authorities. :) Problem is, I probably will, if only as a past-time...my dad used to play Mech Warrior 2 in his office once in a while, that's what got me hooked...

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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

LOL!:p -I am 30 years old and have a real life with real-life issues to worry about. I just want to play the game and relieve

some stress while dealing with as few a$$h0l3$ and immature-kiddies that try to ruin your game as much as possible.

Just wanna have fun without those trying to ruin it for me...plain&simple. ;):D


ditto...except I'm 24.:D

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30 years old? Dear god, if I haven't given this up by then, I'm handing myself over the the authorities.


What's wrong with being 30 years old and enjoying a little gaming? I'm 27, have a great job, own a house, have a beautiful live-in girlfriend and a dog, and I love playing my silly little games. I play volleyball during the week and spend time killing weeds in my yard on the weekend (read: I do have a life).


What's wrong with fragging a few Stormtroopers or enjoying a friendly duel?

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Lol, I'm 19, nearly 20. Still sounds scary to me, turning 20. I live in an apartment with my girlfriend (2 years together now). In Rotterdam. I must seem awfully young to you people. But I challenge you to a boozing contest! I could out-party you anyday! I have "l33t dr1nk1ng sk177z". Lol, but seriously. I wish my dad played games, he'd be more interesting then! He's into gardening, and antiques. He's nearly 50, and my grandmother is more 'trendy' than he is...


But who cares how old anyone is anyway. I met this one guy whilst I worked in a cigar factory for a while. He was about 30-something. This job involved a neverending stream of cigars coming out of a maching. You then took a lot of those cigars and put them in a crate. A job which is probably redundant by now due to automisation.


He said: "I've worked here for six years now. I love this job. When I go home later, my wife will have dinner on the table. After that, I'll go to bed,".

I said: "So, nothing exciting for you tonight then?".

He says: "Yeah, there is football on TV,".

Okaaay... this guy is obviously more simple than a rubix cube with only one color.

He seems to aspire to nothing, know nothing, and be very happy being nothing. All is well, ignorance is bliss and all but seriously... I was smarter than him anyday.

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Hehehe...I think you some of you guys underestimate the ages of people playing games. I am 30 and will be playing them till I can't hold the mouse straight. The average age of people in my clan is like 27, that was taken when we had close to 50 members...hhee...our oldest member...*awesome* player...was in his mid-sixties


I love mapping and playing, so does my wife. I grew up with video games so, no damn way I will ever think I am to old for them...thats like saying...umm...I am to old for sex...NEVER!!


- Vorax

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I was in Rotterdam for a few weeks, a couple of years ago on a business trip. I can't rember the name of the hotel I stayed at, but it was by the big white bridge. Very nice...but I enjoyed Amsterdam alot more :)


- Vorax

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Okaaay... this guy is obviously more simple than a rubix cube with only one color.

ROFLMAO!! -Damn good one;)

--Frag on mengs!! -One of the biggest stereotypes is that videogaming is for kids. Well, that went out of style 15 years ago! -You'd be surprised, a majority of videogame hobbyists/hardcore are between the ages of 25 to 40! -As for myself, I will be fragging until I am no longer able to use my hands or see the screen!:p:D

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Originally posted by Eternity

30 years old? Dear god, if I haven't given this up by then, I'm handing myself over the the authorities. :) Problem is, I probably will, if only as a past-time...my dad used to play Mech Warrior 2 in his office once in a while, that's what got me hooked...


Don't be sure sure. In my tribe for T2 (dem's wimpy server), we have a guy who's 45-50, and someone who's like, 40 and a deputy sheriff. Shall I call him for you? :)

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Guest Frogspit

Passion is Passion ;)


I'm a kid of 35... ouch!

Still playing games, making plastic models, legos with my son and so on...


With a little advantage when I play. Experience ;)


As when I was 5, I play for Fun.

Respectfull when the other are.

Otherwise it's fun to kicks some n00bs too.

muahahah ;)

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