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Error at console...


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Hi... I'm new to the forum and need help asap... I may be the only guy IN THE WORLD who bought a copy of JK2 and CANNOT play it...


I keep getting an error message at the console


----- Client Initialization -----

Could not open string package 'CON_TEXT'


AND THE GAME NEVER RUNS... I'm Getting frustrated...


I have a AMD 1000 with a GTS 2 64mb at 256 ram... WHAT CAN I DO??????????????? :confused:


May the force be with you...

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Could be a bad install. Try uninstalling and reinstalling. Make sure you have all othere programs closed especially any virus protectors you have.


You may also be running Windows in MS-DOS compatablility mode. Check out this link to see if you are and what to do




Beyond that I'm not sure. Be sure to check out the rest of the Lucasarts support page and any info that it might have. Also, check out the troubleshooting guide on the CD. I hope you can get this problem fixed quickly.

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