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Joystick problems

The Blue Man

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I recently got a Saitek 3D gold joystick.


Configured all the buttons.


Go to play, works but when i try moving around i get that the Button 18/19/20/21(depending on left/right/up/down) is unbound.

But since its not actuall buttons, its the stick that you move..i cant bind it to anything. Saitek's tech help ,doesnt. Ravens tech help doesnt either.


So i decided to ask here.

Yes i have joystick enabled.



PS everything actually works, it just gives me that message when i move.

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Originally posted by Phalin{LR}

Doesn't the stick come with its own software that allows you to bind functions to different key board functions. Then you could tell it that say 19 is Key A and so on.


This is exactly what I would do if I was having your problem Blue Man.

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You can change the X and Y axis in the game setup to act as buttons. Perhaps that will work for you.


If not you will need to find what the pad has the x and y axis set as and then go into the config and edit the joystick settings to what your pad uses. I had to do that with Serious Sam and the Second Encounter both.

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