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Q3 models/skins to JK2.. possible?


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This may be a stupid question, but is it possible to get an existing Q3A model and skin (*.pk3) and easily convert it to a JK2 .pk3 file?? They both use the Quake3 engine so it's possible right? or am I thinking too simply?


Any help, hints or critisicm welcome

Thanks guys..

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Thanks man.. that was quick. I just have a few cool quake3 models i would like to use in jk2.... i just have to sabre someone with voltron just once in my life.. hopefully a converter or the sdk will be out soon and i can have a crack at modelling and skinning.

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um, yeah JO uses .md3 files. the ghoul2 systems is just for the skeletel system. once the editing tools are released they can be transfered easily to JO. All you got to do really is just add the skeletel system.


And can somone......MAKE A SAMUS ARAN MODEL FROM METROID!!!! I would love to see Samus in all her glory. :D

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