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Path Names Are Crazy!!


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According to the JoMap's instructions, all the pathnames for all the files will match.


Well, in my case, every file's path were off. I fixed all of them, but I'm stuck..


When it tries to load the shaders I get:


Unable to load C:\QUAKE\OUTCAST\GAMEDATA\base/scripts/shaderlist.txt, shaders not loaded!


Obviously I can see the error here. the slashes are switching.. I'm getting very upset because I'd like to know which stupid file is telling Radiant that the shaders are located at base/scripts/shaderlist.txt...


Does anyone know where I can change the file's path on Radiant, or what file is telling radiant the path (change it manually)

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According to the JoMap's instructions, all the pathnames for all the files will match.
Please explain that in more detail. It makes no sense to me.


Do you have the shaderlist file in the "Outcast\scripts" directory? Also, did you change "baseq3" to "base" in Radiant's project settings?


I don't know what else could be causing the problem. :(

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