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Ever notice how on NS_streets...


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That every time the kill limit is hit, and its time for a map change, EVERYONE seems to leave? I notice this on every game I play. It seems like a certain brand of lamer plays this level, and ONLY this level, just to push people off lol. I swear, sometimes half the server seems to leave after the map ends...and I've never noticed this on other maps.


Anyone else seen this disturbing trend? Same goes for CTF_ns-streets as well, by the way.

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yavin can be good for CTF, but it sucks for FFA...


personally I enjoy bespin and nar shadda for CTF, and damn straight it's because I can push people off, do I get pushed off sometimes? sure, but only about once every 3 kills I get on other people..


sure, sometimes it's lame, but theres no need for people to be doing all these super high jumps and stuff across a big hole!! thats just asking for trouble!


but seriously, there are not enough maps, lol

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