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WHOA! spoiler ?? maybe?? maybe not


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I know I know more than likely already been said but hey I didnt know about it nor in glancing at in the manual had I seen this move.


I had know idea it could be done


I was at the bespin undercity leval in a very large room with a rodian holding a tenloss I was standing still in a doorway and had Force speed set as the present force to use with the f key so it was no in use at the moment but the rodian fired and force speed just kicked in on its own and kyle dodge the beam


Im like WHOA since when LOL

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Yeah that happened to me to, i was on nar shadda docks and some hidden rodian sniper fired at me while I was running and kyle went into slow mo force speed and dodged it matrix style.


Later when you encounter the reborn jedis and you try to fire at them with your tenloss distruptor rifle they will likewise dodge every shot.

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Originally posted by Harpoon

Later when you encounter the reborn jedis and you try to fire at them with your tenloss distruptor rifle they will likewise dodge every shot.


Which is a big bummer sometimes. (i.e. 4 am and you don't feel like fighting)


There was a tread on dodging a couple of days ago. I didn't notice that Kyle had been doing it for a while untill I read that. It's automatic. From what I hear, if you have the target in your sight you're more likly to dodge the shot. That's just the scuddle-butt though.

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Exactly, wether or not Kyle will even TRY to dodge a shot depends on you having the sniper in you crosshair. If it is red, then Kyle will dodge the shot with a 80% probability.


As soon as your crosshair is white again, you only have remote chance at dodging. (Kyle most probably won't even try.)


Just found that out - bugged me to know. :D



Oh yes, I'm talking about single player.




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