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Double bladed saber.


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i have 2 questions...

1.) how in the bloody hell do you get the 2x saber to work in MP?

2.)is anyone working on a mod that allows both? So you can decide which saber you're using?


that'd be cool, right now I'd settle for being able to use the cheated double.


So, get back back to me, thanks!


(and before anyone says anything, i have looked around at other threads but i can't get the /thedestroyer to work...so help please.)

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get to your map with the /devmap command (/devmap ffa_bespin for example) in the console. then once youre in, press 1 to turn off your sabre. then go to the console (Shift + ~) and type /thedestroyer.


you should be all set.



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heres how you do it:


1) start a game on any map


2) in the console (shift + ~ to bring it down) type 'devmap [mapname]' w/o brackets and quotes.


3) when the map loads, take out your lightsaber and *important* SHEATH IT! Do this by pressing 1 to bring it out and press it again to sheath it.


4) In the console, type /THEDESTROYER. If that doesnt work, try \THEDESTROYER,

or any variation thereof. If it doesnt work, try it w/o caps.


If you still cant get it, soz.

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having both saber's in MP-game is really no problem. you need a server that allows cheats. now the only thing you need is a script that binds the destroyer command (that activates the doublesided sabre) to a button of your choice. that way you can activate and deactivate the 2-sided sabre by pressing only one button.

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Not to excuse it, but I think one reason is this crappy board system. Let's disable email! Let's disable searches! Who cares that a forum has 5000 threads, let's make them manually search it!


I really hate to be so critical, but these things are really annoying me when trying to find something.

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