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Ok peeps...this is dead serious!


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Im looking for a serious european clan ...and with serious i mean a tight clan with less than 15 member and an active group of players(30+ posts on their forums).don't reply if u don't have a good system up and running and are well organized..I'm l33t and am not afraid to take any1 on :smirk2: (and iL garuntee u they'l know theve been taken on when they come up against me :lsduel: )...Im light side force,Saber only and am looking for a clan that is prefrably the same(this is not a requirement though :) )...availible for trials in the afternoons(15:00GMT->17:00GMT) and evenings(21:00GMT->23:30GMT)....If u have an IRC channel that would also be quite helpfull

contact through msn messenger mail: Griphon668@hotmail.com

Icq:135303813 or post ure IRC channel addie


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