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People asking for it

Lnt. Kechtt

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I've seen a lot of stuff on the issues of force pushing people to the ground and if that's not "honorable" then why have push. I'm not talking about honor. I'm just commenting on poeple who ask to get pushed of edges. I was playing last night against a friend, Bespin Exust shaft, and he totoaly asked for it. I was on the top bridge and I see him jump out of a windo and try to land on the bridge. Now tell me poeple. How easy is it to force push someone while they're in the air? That's what I though, you all said, "Really easy, there's basicaly nothing they can do about it, they're going to get pushed." Well, that's what happened. I pushed him. His forward motian slowed and he plummetted into nothingness. Now tell me people, did he not ask for that? Anybody that jumps towards somebody and has to cross a pit of death is ASKING to get pushed into it. Just commenting. Can anybody think of any other ways to "Ask for it?"


Remember: This is not a dicussion on honor. I've had WAY too many of those. Just post your situations where people "asked for it."

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Yep he totally asked for it, the force is integral to the great MP (and SP) experience so why not use it. Why is Force push considered dishonourable if you push someone with it?!? that's nuts, on the MP games i have played they are usually the people running around using grip, drain etc... who complain the most. If you force jump in the air over a gaping chasm trying to hit a small spot in a fight then you should expect to possibly lose, people need to get over this force use thing really quickly and just start playing the game.

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I'm actually quite sure that it was the ones using lightining/drain who complained. :)

Simply because a jedi of the light side will simply kick in force absorb and just stand on the edge grinning while hordes of people are pushing at him wildy.


That's what I usually do... :D


Is it really THAT hard to figure out how great force absorb is? I never saw more than 10% of the players use it. Might be connected that 70% are so crazed for their gripping/draining that they never bothered to try the light side - although its forces are at LEAST as powerful as the dark ones. :D :D :D




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Originally posted by Digital_Ronin



I'm actually quite sure that it was the ones using lightining/drain who complained. :)

Simply because a jedi of the light side will simply kick in force absorb and just stand on the edge grinning while hordes of people are pushing at him wildy.


That's what I usually do... :D


Is it really THAT hard to figure out how great force absorb is? I never saw more than 10% of the players use it. Might be connected that 70% are so crazed for their gripping/draining that they never bothered to try the light side - although its forces are at LEAST as powerful as the dark ones. :D :D :D





HA beautiful i like your style, it took me a few sessions to figure that out before i started using it and they all strated screaming cheater...etc.. you know the drill. I agree Lightside powers are just as powerful and useful, you just can't really spam them like lightning etc... hence a lot of players don't like them.

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i think that only new people like the dark side because it has attacks like lightning and grip, they think they are gods because of it. but if they actually explored the game they'll know that for every power, theres a counter


like newtons law "for every reaction, there is a power counter" (something like that i hated physics)


lol yeah i used force absorb the first time too. also when someones pushing u, or over using a force power to push u down, just stand still as then it will just leave u standing

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Oh my god!!! The force abilities are in the game to be used in any way you can and want to! Screw honor! This is a computer game where the object is to take your opponent out by all means nessesary. If you feel it's too easy to just push somebody off an edge, then don't, but don't have a problem with somebody who does. It's a part of the game! I play the starwars roleplaying game (you know, books and dice). Now there is a game where we get real nit picky. If a lightside Jedi causes phisical harm with a force push, then he get's a darkside point and is that much closer to the darkside....but that is the point of that game. This is an FPS. Anything should really go. Quit being dorks.

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did you read the end of the orginal post? It isn't about honor it's about sheer stupidity, an example would be the darksider who keeps trying to grip you when you have absorb on. Honor? Nothing to do with it. Stupid? only for the Darksider :)


Another great example is those who are dark raging on a map witha lot of drops and abysses. One little jump, one little push and splat. Or better yet, jump out of the way, let their energizer bunny wear out and kick them to death.

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good point....but that is why the darkside is more tempting, just like in the movies! the developers were actually pretty slick in creating this kind of balance in the game....my point is, you can't really hold it against someone for being a power house darksider, if you are a "smarter" fighter, then let your actions prove it. they will learn. powerful is the darkside with a more obvious and immediate gratification, but more powerful than the lightside? hardly!

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