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Cartwheel and Butterfly mod...no joke


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Hey Lord Nodata ive got a question for you. I got your mod yesterday and iam very pleased with it. My question is, when I was playing i did a butterfly right in front of a stormt and he did a back flip. So I was wondering did you make the mod so you can kick people while doing the moves? Iam not sure if it was me that kicked him or if jan shot him(she was there shooting people) so i really dont know. If you didnt make it so you can kick people, would it be possible for you to modify it even more so that you can kick people? Lastly does anybody know when we will be able to edit force powers?

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I got nadota's updated file and it worked fine for me in SP and MP

but after seeing the butterfly I changed mine so that when you roll left, you cartwheel left instead, and when you roll right you cartwheel right instead. it looks much better than the roll, and seems to match up pretty good with the distance and speed.


the butterfly move is too long and is practically a blur when you change to that animation, it's so fast you can barely see what's being done.


my forward roll is set for the butterfly_fr1 which works really well, but in the SP I noticed that I do actually do damage to NPC's as I butterfly thru them if my saber touches them.


the purple one

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How did you get the tweaked version to work in SP? I dropped in the base directory and it won't work in SP. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, I'd *really* appreciate it if you would please email me your version. I think sideways cartwheels would be better than butterflies, too. Or, tell me how to do it so I can stop bothering you and nodata.








I'm not sure if you mean you can't get it to work in SP. I can't get it to work in SP either. It works in MP for me, though. Just drop the *.pk3 file into the 'base' directory and fire up a MP game. Open up the *.pk3 file with a ZIP program and make sure there is a file called animation.cfg in there. Other than that, I'm not sure what to tell you as I know nothing about editing or the innards of the JO program.




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This looks really cool! I'm surprised that I haven't heard anyone else say anything about it... people have been talking about those moves in the forums since the game came out.


Only problem I see is that rolls are our friends. Any way we can keep those in addition to the new ones?:fett:

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I haven't been banned from SA....YET. I hope I don't though, I seriously didn't know about the attention tag...sucks.


Anyway, when you download the modified file. If you get a file that is newmoves.pk3.zip just RENAME IT to newmoves.pk3. DON'T unzip it. And it should work.


As far as it not working in single player. I have NO IDEA why that would happen. What I did was replace the animations for the roll. If you can roll in single player, you should be able to do the butterlfy with the mod...make sure you can roll.

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I think the reason it's not working for some people in MP is that they are installing the file, and then loading a saved game from BEFORE the mod. this is generally a bad idea for any mod.


if you install a mod and want to see if it's working, either load a new game from the beginning, or spawn a new map by typing:

map [map name here]


then you can truly see if the mod is working or not.


saved games store more information than just where in a level you should start, and it creates alot of conflicts when you add a new mod and try and use a game that was saved prior to that.




the purple one

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PurplWulf is right. i had this problem, then i loaded a game that wasn't a saved game and it works fine. Purplwulf and I have made some of our own changes to the animation.cfg file. i'm not sure what Pwulf has in his right now, but mine has the ariel (the cartwheel with *no* hands) instead of rolling left and rolling right. i like this better because i think it looks better and the saber doesn't get dug into the ground. mine also has the right butterfly kick instead of forward roll (thanks to PurplWulf), but with the last spin removed so that the move is not so long and doesn't make you cross half the map when you do it. also, if you have a key bound to taunt in SP (the saber spinning above the hand move), your character will perform a left butterfly kick while stationary (don't ask me why)...good if you're surrounded. there is a way to keep both the rolls and some of the special moves in, but it really sucks. basically, there are two options that i'm aware of:

1. you give up jumping while strafing, which i'm not willing to do (don't flame me for being a bunny-hopper, as i hardly ever play MP and i don't bunny hop when i do play).

2. you replace the sideways dives with cartwheels/ariels. i like the dives so i want to keep them in. plus it's hard to hit dives everytime, so it would be harder to hit an ariel/cartwheel when you wanted to if you replaced the dives for them, which i don't want to do.


[edit] i just checked my email and i think PWulf and i have very similar, if not the same, animation.cfg's now.



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