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We are looking for skilled warriors


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Picking a team (I really don't like the term clan) is not something to take lightly. I was the founder of an old JK1 clan back in 97 and it lasted for about 2 years. People became petty and online games were flooded with hackers, cheaters, coggers, etc. which took the fun out of our online play. I decided to disolve the clan and take down the website and did so. With the release of JK2 I have a renewed sense of confidence that we can have a great thing here. I searchced for a group that has rules but not ones that would stifle your online gaming experience but yet apply some moral and ethical standards to the online gaming experience. Because we are such a large organization we can game with eachother on any given night for hours on end and get abolutely fantastic gameplay and learn something new almost every time! The good thing is that we scarcely ever have to put up with those "types" that take joy from disrupting games and generally wreaking havoc. One of ourprimary beliefs is "Life first, gaming second". If something "comes up" and you can't make a practice...we understand. Our clan may not be for everyone but if you want a higher quality gaming experience and would like to become a member of this close nit family of gamers...I suggest that you follow this link and find out more. I'm recruiting for our JK2 division but we also have divisions for "Ghost Recon, Mech Warrior, Tribes2, etc. Come check us out. We are looking for individuals with all skill sets.....from Saber, Force, Saber+Force, Guns+Force, etc. We will be competing in ladders and tournaments of all types. Rest assured that YOU do have a place among our ranks!




Sith Incarnite IRON



JK2 Division - Recruiting Officer


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Sounds pretty good.. checking it out..

I'll be back with an edit when i have checked it..

EDIT: Hmmm.. the rules ain't working... anyway.. i have been searching for a clan (oops sry, team) whole day, then i spotted this forums and went in!

Im not an expert at JK2 but from what i understand i can join anyway? I'm from sweden is that a problem?

EDIT2: Erhm, dont hit me; Who were the Iron brigade?

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One question


WTF is a Cogger?


Never heard of that term before. Are you making up words to sound knowledgable, or are you for real?


You are laying down some strict standards man, i wonder how many will abide.


I for one will easily be in, I could probably have started it. I am such an accurate player, trust me. I rule at laser sword duelling.


Let me know if you want me to join, I will 'try out' if you want me to humiliate your members Lol!!

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Originally posted by Robmonster

One question


WTF is a Cogger?


Never heard of that term before. Are you making up words to sound knowledgable, or are you for real?


You are laying down some strict standards man, i wonder how many will abide.


1. Well my curious friend....a cogger is a JK1 hacker whoedits the *.cog files in JK1 in order to make the game do pretty much what he wants. This can enable him to fire concussion plasts from the repeater rifle in a rapid fire pattern. You can also edit a cog file to allow rail charges to be fired from the blaster rifle. No offense but if you did not know this you must not have played JK1 too much online.


2. Yes Robmonster I am laying down some strict guidelines. We like to consider ourselves pretty laid back but we have to have guidelines by which our members abide otherwise those who do choose to join us will end up having a "not so good experience". If you are even slightly interested...please come by our site and fill out an application. Once we receive it we will set a time for a trial session of JK2 to test your skill level in which you and any other hopefuls will be tested. If the majority of the council decides that your worthy....we can then accept you as a member.


Oh...one more thing. You asked..."I wonder how many will abide?" Those who refuse to abide by our rules & code of ethics will be asked to leave IRON. We have been around since 1997 and have been growing all that time. Most of our members are very happy with how things are run and if they did have any concerns with anything they would be welcomed to post that concern on our forum so that we could discuss possible changes and have the council vote on it.


I hope you decide to fill out an application so that we can schedule a trial session with you.


Sith Incarnite IRON



Recruiting Officer

IRON_Recruiting@comcast.net <---- There is an underscore between IRON & Recruiting in this email address.

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Originally posted by Robmonster

One question


WTF is a Cogger?


Never heard of that term before. Are you making up words to sound knowledgable, or are you for real?


You are laying down some strict standards man, i wonder how many will abide.


I for one will easily be in, I could probably have started it. I am such an accurate player, trust me. I rule at laser sword duelling.


Let me know if you want me to join, I will 'try out' if you want me to humiliate your members Lol!!


LMFAO! Rob ..you old Cogger you! :D

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Originally posted by Sith_Incarnite


1. Well my curious friend....a cogger is a JK1 hacker whoedits the *.cog files in JK1 in order to make the game do pretty much what he wants. This can enable him to fire concussion plasts from the repeater rifle in a rapid fire pattern. You can also edit a cog file to allow rail charges to be fired from the blaster rifle. No offense but if you did not know this you must not have played JK1 too much online.


Didnt play JKI at all, it was far too bad a game so no offence taken at all. Lol you'd soon now if I'd taken offence ZZZZrrrooOOOwwww! Zap,slice! lol!

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