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Its not the code that effects saber locks in multiplayer, its the people playing.


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I'm not talkign about saber collision when swing etc. I'm talking about saber locks. They are just as much there in MP as they are in SP. The people playing are all that effect the saber locks. I tried this with my friend the other day: I made him stand still while I went in with an overhead medium into his face. We would get a saber lock 50 percent of those hits I did..... Its not that the saber locks don't happen becuaase of collision its the way people play. Dodging left and right, swinging the retreating, making passer-by diagonal swings make it so sabers barely touch each other. Reborn in sp however will someitmes go into a defenseive mode wehre they hold their saber across their body to block attacks.






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