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Lord Katarn (jumping on the Dark Kyle bandwagon :P)


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Dark Lord of the Sith and Leader of the Empire after Jerec's demise at the Valley of the Jedi.


(I took one wise man's tip of adding random colors to the skin to make it looks more realistic which I think is quite true, thanks lots for the tip!)

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There's are a bunch of good dark kyle skins going around. That is really well done. (Not a fan of the eyes, but that's me.)


The cut looks a little bright, too. Otherwise, that's really great.

Also, maybe try putting a little more detail into the goatee? Seems a bit blurry.


Keep it up!

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that dark kyle is a wuss. my dark kyle could beat up your dark kyle if i made a dark klye. would you pass the dark kyle? good dark kyle to you too sir. why no, i havent had any dark kyle today? is the dark kyle fresh today? then i think i shall have some dark kyle.




hehe sorry...

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What's wrong with recolors? Shirley, you jest.


How about I take a photograph someone else did, let's say Ansel Adams. Then I scan it into Photoshop and colorize it. Perhaps I superimpose a photo of my dog somewhere in the scene. Then I upload it to the internet and claim it as my own original work. You're telling me you don't see a problem with that?


Any idiot with a warzed copy of Photoshop can choose Deaturate from the Image-->Adjust menu. Actaully creating a skin takes time, effort, and a little bit of talent.


Which is why, incidentally, this Dark Kyle skin is teh win, and 90% of the other Dark [insert JK2 character here] skins are teh suck.

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Not to say that yours is bad or anything, but I wouldn't say reusing existing material is bad. Many use existing material and alter it. My 'Dark Jedi Kyle' is half altered half recolor, as are others.


And while I encourage originality, I don't discourage flexing creativity on existing material. For some people it's a way of making something complete when they are new to the way it's done, basically because they aren't skilled enough yet.


To some, it's a way to reuse something that looks just as good as whatever you would put out original. Also, Raven even reuses many textures and recolors for various skins.


And face it. Even you are reusing old textures.


It still looks good though.

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Yea hmm hmm I reused Kyle's face cuz face it, its kyle, but you don't see me reusing other skin's pieces for another skin never.


Hey I don't care about recolors they look good sometimes, likes urs did infinite, but still I think its a lack of talent DISPLAY' not lack of talent, but u just don't display it.

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Originally posted by Vandori

There's are a bunch of good dark kyle skins going around. That is really well done. (Not a fan of the eyes, but that's me.)


The cut looks a little bright, too. Otherwise, that's really great.

Also, maybe try putting a little more detail into the goatee? Seems a bit blurry.


Keep it up!



I agree about the eyes, I love all the skins with Kyle in black, but wish he wasn't evil looking. I never played MotS, but in the demo he was wearing black and was still good at that point in the game. What can I say, I'm a fan of the good guys wearing black :D.


Seriously though, all the darkkyle skins are really great. All the outfits are different & cool that I don't even know which one to replace single player Kyle with :rolleyes:

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This really looks good, I have only two issues with it: the irises look a little too "mechanical," I don't know how else to describe it, but you'd never notice that while playing. Also, the cut should be a scar, or removed altogether; right now I think it has the opposite effect of what you intended.

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hehehehe the front shot makes him look like he has got huge tits, cus of the armour. its not bad just funny. maybe its just me. okay so it is just me. fine. see if i care, @ssholes.


seriously though i like it. its cool. he looks kinda stoned (why do all the dark kyles look stoned?) but he is mean. im not so sure about the cut though...a scar maybe but not a cut IMHO


keep up the obviously good work Jepman!

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Originally posted by infinity_blade

Also, Raven even reuses many textures and recolors for various skins.


Also, Raven reused material they created. Since it's theirs to begin with, there's no issue there.


Look, I don't have a problem with people learning to skin. If recolors is how they want to do it, then great. But they shouldn't be getting material hosted, nor should they be showing off their "work".

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I like it...


As for the comments on the eyes, I actually like the mechanical look to them... I like the paleness of the skin too... The only thing i dont think i'm crazy about is the cut... but all in all a great job... I sill definately add it to my collection once released...

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Well, there are Very few skins of any real good quality that are 100% original that I've seen. Also, skins composed of reused/recolored textures can be quite good.


Saying that skins that reuse or recolor of textures not deserving of hosting, or showing of their work is your opinion. And while it may be repected, many do not share your views.


And saying they shouldn't get hosting nor allowed to show of their work is like saying people with rude or arrogant, yet unimportant opinions should not be allowed to post them in this forum.


At least this way they can get a reaction from other people on their progress.

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Originally posted by infinity_blade

Well, there are Very few skins of any real good quality that are 100% original that I've seen. Also, skins composed of reused/recolored textures can be quite good.


That's 'cause the original skins were created by people with talent. If you desaturate the Mona Lisa it's still gonna be a really good painting.


Saying that skins that reuse or recolor of textures not deserving of hosting, or showing of their work is your opinion. And while it may be repected, many do not share your views.


And saying they shouldn't get hosting nor allowed to show of their work is like saying people with rude or arrogant, yet unimportant opinions should not be allowed to post them in this forum.


First off, that's because the majority of people here have submitted recolors; it's doubtful they're going to jump up and say they were wrong to do so.


Secondly, no it's not. If you're being obtuse, I'm not being rude or arrogant, nor is my opinion unimportant. There's copyright issues at hand, plus issues of artistic integrity. You simply cannot use someone else's material and claim it as your own. Aside from that, there are those of us who work our asses off to create original material. We're not too fond of people stealing it and claiming it as their own.


At least this way they can get a reaction from other people on their progress.


Progress on what? I've already seen the Raven skins. I don't need to see them again. I know Raven does good work; that's what they're paid for.


This is the only Dark Kyle skin I've seen that looks like it was created from scratch (with the exception of the face, which is expected because of the character it's based on) and thus the only one I'd consider downloading. Some effort has been put into it and it shows. Doing recolors isn't going to teach you a damn thing about making skins. Hell, it's barely going to teach you how to use Photoshop. If you want to make a skin, Choose 50% grey from your pallete, hit Alt+Backspace, select the Dodge/Burn tool and get to work.

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You know what? We're not wrong to do so! If we were infringing on copywrites, we'd be knee deep in posts by lawers and legal advisors.


As for stealing creative tallent, now that just plain not true. There's a certain leway here that goes with Raven's "template skins" - any and all skins included in the game. All we have are default models and the aformentioned skins. It makes sense that people will make use of them somehow.


Re-coloring is nothing new. It's been going on since skins of games were modifyable. One of the best examples of this is the game TheSims. A good 80% of new objects created by fans are, in fact, simple re-colors of game-included objects.


People want variety, here. If a "simple" re-color does the job, then so be it. Nobody is wrongfully stealing anything here. Most of us acknowledge that we "re-color" existing skins. Sure. Anyone can desaturate anything. But it's another thing to shade it properly and have it look nice in-game. And that's not as easy as everyone thinks.


If someone, like Jepmen here, releases a skin, and I feel I'd like to re-color it, of course I'd need to get his permission before I'd release such a thing. That's just comon courtasy, and it'd be very wrong to do such a thing. Raven's skins are really up for grabs when they said the game is open for mods. And we can all tell when something is re-colored anyway, so someone trying to steal Raven's excelent work isn't fooling anyone.


If your rules for quality and original skins were enforced, many good skins of the community wouldn't see the light of day. Anybody who would support such a thing, I believe, is a little thick-headed and close-minded. There's a community here, and inclusions from all walks of it shouldn't be shunned away simply because two or three people claim lack of originality. Really, you and maybe a couple of other people have some kind of problem with this. And fortunately, the majority of this community welcomes any and all work - even if it's "just a re-color".


There's no artistic rape here. As long as people acknowledge where their work comes from, and ask permission if someone really wants to edit an existing user skin - which goes without saying - then there shouldn't be a problem.

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