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Lord Katarn (jumping on the Dark Kyle bandwagon :P)


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Well, at least it is one step over force star recolors....



Can you imagine it? 3 years ago, to this date, the fallowing sitaution might have arisen...


"OH MY GOD!!! 1337|v|@$+3r released his new FORCE STAR RECOLOR!!! OMFG!!!"








It's all the best of Jedi Knight just rolled into one big happy ball.





Now someone tell Raven to release the source code so at least -someone- can do something worthwhile with the POS that is Jedi Knight 2.



Sorry, man in the back, did you say something? No? Not a problem then.




Incidendtally, ignore Fu, he's a gay eskimo who likes playing hockey with Midgets named Privateer. Trust me on this.

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hmm recolours...


maybe SOME game should have q1 style so you can recolor skins via the game easily, and thus having only one skin needed, and infinite (well 63660ish skins really...) skins for wach made skin. then make multiple parts colourable. this way original skins could be the only copy needed. no need for a million lame recolours just to see the other persons preferred colour...


SOME game should do that.


/me looks at FuShanks, symbiosis and RipVTide...

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