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Microsoft Force Feedback 2

EbolA MonkeY

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I know JKII doesn't support force feedback, fine.


Is there a way to get all controls of joystick to work as anolog controls (gradual instead of on/off)?


I would like to use the joy up/down/left/right for look up/down, strafe left/right, twist for turn left/right, and throttle for forward/backward.

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Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Top Solutions FAQ


It can be found through this website. I found it.


Actually you can use force feedback, as shown in this very faq.



"How can I enable Force Feedback?


Force feedback is in the game, but is untested and unsupported. At the console, type "use_ff 1" (minus the quotes) and

hit ENTER. Type "use_ff 0" (minus the quotes) and hit ENTER to turn it back off."

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