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Let's Start a FPS Database


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Many of you have seen the benchmark tests for JK2 floating around on the web. Here are three of them:








Anyway, I think it may be a useful, for the sake of JK2 performance tweaking, if everybody listed their the own FPS results using 1024x768x32 resolution, High Quality settings, and no Anti-Aliasing. Include your system specs (OS, CPU, motherboard, RAM, video card & driver version, sound card) too.


Here are my results and specs:


FPS = 63.8


WinXP Home

P4 1.6A Northwood



Gainward Geforce 3 & Nvidia 28.32 reference drivers

SB Live! 5.1 X-Gamer


BTW, if you didn't know already, to get your FPS type the following in the console ("shift+~" gets you to the console)


devmap ffa_bespin

timedemo 1


demo jk2ffa


After the demo is done you should be able to scroll up the console (the "Page Up" key works great) to see your FPS.

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WinXP pro

Athlon XP2100+

Creative GF4 Ti4600

512MB ram

MSI KT3 Ultra Aru

Soundblaster Live 5.1 player


Got 80.4 fps... is something wrong with my computer? the benchmarks at those sites shows 100~120 fps for machines similar to mine.

I've heard people with GF4 Ti4600 say that they never get slowdowns. Well, I do (if slowdowns means FPS slow enough to notice it), so I'm suspecting that something is wrong here...

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