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So I played that SP "The Ladder" Map


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I think the SP saber isn't nearly as good as the MP one.


SP saber everything is automatic to the point it's like watching your character play instead of controlling him.


I prefer the MP one by far - it takes more mastery and is much more flexible.


Why do some people demand SP saber styles?

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Originally posted by NewBJedi

Why do some people demand SP saber styles?

Oh, I dunno...could it perhaps be because it gives You more control of playing Your character, it's more flexible and takes more mastery than MP? ;)


Seriously...You are probably just used to MP saber combat. If You investigate the SP style more, I'm sure You'll find it gives You more control, and let's You refine Your tacticts to a level not possible in MP.


Not saying that I'm being that good...but I do recognise the potential even though I might get decapitated in the process. :)


Don't confuse the random fancy moves of MP saber combat, for being Your own calculated creation.


Control might be possible to a degree, but there will always be that point when Your character makes a random unpredicted move.


Even if Your opponent finds it just as unpredictable as You do and walks right into Your saber, the move was still not entirely Yours...and therefore sadly can't be said to be a result of pure skill.


I'm sorry, but the factor of luck is just to great to be ignored here.


However, one might consider a compromise (if technically possible), having the SP combat style in pure Duel games only...leaving the MP style for the other types of game?


Still, I don't know if it's technically possible within reasonable efforts.


Cheers :)



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It could be that I'm just used to the MP style, I'll give you that.


But as I played SP saber, it felt like the defense was more random (automatic) and I had no control over that portion.


We should consider that SP saber is going against predictable AI - and that may also cause you to feel like you are in more control, when in fact you are used to more patterned responses by the enemy. Possible?


I think a reasonable solution, beyond a mod, would be a saber ruleset - just like a force power ruleset.


g_spsaber 1 or 0


The server admin can set it whichever way is appealing.


That way there exists a choice - the ingame browser could be set to filter the modes, and external browsers could easily have filters for it.


This same solution can be applied to saber modes that people complain about.


It would be simple to do:


g_stance 1 - 3


1 = light only

2 = light and medium

3 = light, medium, and heavy


How about that?


I don't mind changes in gameplay aslong as they are given as server options (like internal mods), and not permanent changes - especially something so drastic.


Tribes 2 involved a lot of permanent changes it caused a divided and bitter community. Hopefully this can be avoided.


The key is server-side options that allow the community to decide which is better - people will naturally play on servers that provide what they want - and the minority (whoever that is) will still be able to play on servers with their options.


Everyone's happy. :)

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Control might be possible to a degree, but there will always be that point when Your character makes a random unpredicted move.


My character does exactly what my fingers and controller tell it to do.. :explode:


There is a farely high learning curve for this type of combat control and those who master it will be unstopable. I would guess about three months of good play time will get you there.


I agree with NewBJedi it appear that defense is the only real difference, as well as animations and the roll/evade.


The Hit detection issue is being mistaken for lag.

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MrCrusher...Your lag comment is valid of course...but this doesn't mean it's certain there is no room for any improvements.


However, any learning curve and/or competence of the game control is hardly relevant when there indeed are random elements of that control itself.


NewBJedi...I think Your practical suggestions for server side options are very good.


Still, I think it's a shame that some servers might refrain from using the red stance as the problems with it is that it's mainly poor balanced from the start.


I think that server options are good, but as far as the stances are concerned, I think they would profit more by being adjusted by Raven.


It's obvious that the red stance has some serious issues...it has been made quite clear by the public.


The blue stance has also been criticised for being somewhat poorly balanced and might require some investigation by Raven as well.


Nevertheless, a server side option for SP vs MP saber combat style is a very good idea. :)


It would probably be the most compromising solution, and as it is free for all to pick which servers to play on...everybody should be content.





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You're very cool Jellybelly.


I really dig this community because despite all the disagreements here people remain civilized and open to suggestion. :)


I agree the stances do need some work.


I'm just always skeptical over gameplay changes that tend to make things worse than the original complaints - that's why my focus is on server side options.


I've seen games go downhill fast because a dev didn't just tweak the major inbalances but started appealing to nitpicky things people were 50/50 on.


I say keep the 50/50 stuff server-side optional or let mod makers change that.


If Raven can manage to only tweak the necessary inbalances, add server side options for questionable things, and let the mod community do the rest (and fully support the mod maker's efforts) this game will last a long time.

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Thank's...You're not too shabby Yourself. ;)


Yes, we have some intense argumenting going on You and me...but I still feel we've kept it on a respectful level. :)


Anyways, I saw Your thread on requesting response from Raven and/or Lucasarts.


Good thinking, as they in the end are the only ones who can set most of our questions straight for sure.


I hope they will take their time to reply.


Hopefully they'll also come to the conclusion that increased serverside options is a good way to ensure both the flexability and long lifespan of the game.


I guess the problem with the stances (red one in particular) most likely will be looked into by them, as this issue has been adressed quite extensively throughout the playing community.


Thank's for being civilized dispite our intense level of argument.





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