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Binding Saber Stances

Guest TarlSS

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Guest TarlSS

Is tehre anyway to bind a specific saber stance to a key? say I wanted to bind light stance to q, medium to e, and heavy to r. How would I go about doing that?

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I also want to know this. And I've done a tiny bit of research on it.



If you open up console and type /cmdlist it will list all the commands. The only one for the saber stance is:




I havn't seen any SaberAttackMedium or anthing like that. So , it seems as though you can't bind them. But hopefully there is someone that could figure it out. If there really is away.



Nothing pisses me off more , than cycling through and missing the stance I wanted. Or cycling to fast , and being on Light stance, and doing the heavy swings.

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Well, seems as though you can't do it directly. To scripts we go!


Note that the 'Z' key was the one that I used for testing...




bind z vstr default


set default "saberAttackCycle; wait; wait; saberAttackcycle; bind z vstr yellow"

set yellow "saberAttackCycle; wait; wait; saberAttackcycle; bind z vstr red"

set red "saberAttackCycle; wait; wait; bind z vstr yellow"




With this, the first button press will leave you in Red stance. The next will leave you at Yellow. Then Red. Etc...


This is a kludgy workaround; a side effect of doing it like this is that you can make your player do a weird 'saberdance' if you hold the button down, but you may end up in Blue stance once you let go.


I have the contents in a file called 'saber.cfg', and call it from the autoexec.cfg like this: exec saber.cfg.


Just create the file, and put it in your base directory (create the autoexec.cfg too, if it doesn't exist) or just place it in the autoexec.cfg file directly.....


Hope this helps, and if anyone cares to tighten this up a bit, feel free....


Oh, and one more thing. Most people take a dim view of binds that allow you to script attacks. I take that position as well. So please don't ask me about those......



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you could also simply do this:




bind X vstr PrevStance


set PrevStance SaberAttackCycle; wait 2; SaberAttackCycle




this would create the illusion of switching to the previous stance

for example:


you're in yellow stance, you wanna switch to blue

1 stancekey hit gets you to the red stance, the next one gets you to the blue one


if you hit X(the example key for the script) then it automatically switches 2 times... it would be the same as switching to the previous one...

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This is pretty interesting. I take it that you would use two keys/buttons for this? One assigned to the normal saber selector, and one to this? So the scenario would be (if you want to use yellow and red only, no blue):


1) Use the normal selector to select Red (you'd have to click it twice when first starting/joining a game like you do normally)

2) Use the scripted selector to select Yellow



I think this is closer to what TarlSS and minimaul were looking for. And very short, sweet, and neat! :D


N1, BacMeth!

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Originally posted by Pallida Mors

Why would you bind the stances? Selecting via the center mouse wheel (if you have it) as a button seems to cycle as fast as you can push it.

Just curious


I think the last 2 sentences in minimaul's post sums it up:


Originally posted by minimaul

Nothing pisses me off more , than cycling through and missing the stance I wanted. Or cycling to fast , and being on Light stance, and doing the heavy swings.


Think of it: In the heat of a battle, you have your opponent set up for a move you've worked on using a specific stance, and when you click, you get a different one that doesn't do the move. Lost opportunity. If you're the type of player that switches stances in a fight, to milk every lil advantage that you can, you've had this happen to you, I'm sure.


Myself, I use Yellow (primary) and Red. Blue is just not strong enough for me, or I'm not good enough at it...;) That's why my script is written the way it is, for Yellow and Red.

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